ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
Amusing anecdotes from the gyno's office, fffffft
(probable tmi too, altho amusing tmi)

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
the look on the nurse's face when, wait, she says she's married, she came in with a man, but it's literally impossible for her to be pregnant?

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
"how long... had it been since you had sex????"

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
and the boggled looks at "a very long time. just trust me, it's literally impossible"

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
and yet, they have to do a pregnancy test anyway, due to policy, because I've been menstruating since November

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
also. gyno lube makes the fastest and easiest time I've ever had putting in my cup. but also, the quickest it's ever come back OUT, ffffft

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
also hi, I exist and am alive, this is what I choose to come back on, sorry

papermint tiger

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
I am just making sure to find amusement in the bad of having to be here today

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
giving blood was a fun adventure too, since I didn't think to drink liquids this morning. and I have to come back later today for an ultrasound, so

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
is a 'fun' day

look, you could have immaculately conceived

everyone is always on the lookout for baby jesus 2.0

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
I don't think I'm mother of baby god material, haha

Last time I went to the gyno, they asked if I could be pregnant. I told them no. They asked what BC I use, I told them none. "Then how do you know you're not pregnant?" "Well, there's the fact I haven't had sex in 5 years." /disbelieving stare/ "Right...."

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ

papermint tiger
the last time i went to the gyno i told them i was a virgin. they didn't believe me

papermint tiger
and they wonder why people don't trust their doctor, how about trusting your patient...


ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
I mean. it probably didn't help that my husband was sitting right outside, but. XD

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ


Two people can be married and not have sex.

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
yeah. it's just not. idk, normal? considered normal?

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
I might have self conscious issues about the lack of sex or desire for sex sometimes

Sweetie, name one friend of ours that has sex much of ever?

I think it's more normal than the media makes out, really.

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
..... idk if EDP and Ellie do or not.....

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
also, to be fair, most of our circle is riddled with issues. ourselves included

They might be the only ones who do, honestly

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
also.... I hate the fact that my sibling (before the bitch got sent to jail), and my cousin and her boyfriend came to mind

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
I don't want to think about my family members having sex, ffffft

Still. not wanting to have sex or being a virgin or whatever else shouldn't be Such A Thing.

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
yeah, it really shouldn't be

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
/collapses on top of with a samoa machiatto and caramel chocoholic donut from dunks

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
I conned husband out of Dunks TWICE today. so there's at least THAT as a win

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
for the record. if you're ever given a choice between an outpatient D&C, or an in office scraping of the endometrial tissue..... forget the price difference and go for the outpatient one

the only problem with the D&C is that it's a surgical procedure

and they'll tell you that for a month afterward not to carry more than 10lb at a time

If you do? OMFG IT HURTS

Which was super fun when the freezers at work broke down and the store director was very much unhappy with my refusal to carry things that're more than 10 lbs.

And having to? Huuuurt.

But yeah, outside of that?

I'd actually like to look into having one again to get my uterus like... reset again. So that I could stop having the near constant period

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
/snugs you

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
well. I feel you there, rn

ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
depending on what comes back with the biopsy they took, they might do one on me anyway

well, if they do, that's about the only pain there is from it.