Luke Skywanker
yeah well welcome to the fallout boy or something similar IDK but I promised to keep y'all in the loop. Hux is...actually doing surprisingly okay, I thought he'd be more of a wreck tbh. Damn supportive friends.
Harry feels legitimately and increasingly guilty about bringing the hammer down on Hux, but he still can't get over the fact that Hux is proud of bringing a massive death machine into production on time.
honestly Harry doesn't think Hux is the manipulative type. (he's met one. that one is his worst enemy on any plane of existence ever. he knows manipulators and he hates them.)
and he's still not sure if he wanted bodhi to know. because he figured the guy already knew the vague outline but that the details would send him spiraling into another panic attack
though psst, Hosnian prime or one of the planets in the system was an ecumenopolis, if I remember correctly, so if he's going for total accuracy he probably ended hundreds of billions of lives, not millions
sometimes their numbers are laughably low (3 million clones! As the main army! Of a galaxy spanning war! Fortunately they left it all vague enough it could be wanked very believably into 3 million non-individual units, b/c that wouldn't have even covered one front of WWII)
I kind of love that Hux admitting publicly to murdering hundreds of billions has made him a bunch of friends and is probably going to end with Fives getting ripped a new asshole by multiple people. Gotta love the barge XD
Fives will definitely not respond to Hux, but when I have the brain to actually work things out he might post taking responsibility for having kicked Hux in the metaphorical teeth over his shit.
He's kind of reading this and boggling at his fellow wardens all rushing to pat Hux on the head and tell him it's all right and strongly imply he shouldn't feel bad and no one should try to make him... when he thinks that's probably The Point, so why on earth is shaming him for it a bad thing? XD
Oh no, I mean, Luke has no idea what prompted it but it seems like if someone's going to kill Hux over what he's done they don't get the point of the barge?
Bodhi may just come looking if he's not keeping their vague book chat schedule. But not right away. Because he's still upset about Fives, nevermind all this
erskine will make him play allianceBAD GUYS AND VICTIMS AREN'T MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE have a biscuit