Good evening! Great discussion of the first 72 pages of Gravity’s Rainbow. Pynchon is quite a good - and inventive - writer. Selection committee picked it for the Pulitzer, but the board thought it too obscene. Fun stuff. :-)
Starry Night. BTW, the title refers to the trajectory of a ballistic missile. Good night...(sleeping)
Skip Z
Good night, John. Umpty years ago, it was what sparked my curiosity re: ballistic missles.
Ooh Pynchon, ambitious! I've only read The crying of lot 49, which felt like less fun Tom Robbins to me, but my husband really enjoyed it and has read a couple others. I think that's the only one we actually own, though. One day I will brave Gravity's rainbow, but not for a while yet. ;P
Great book! B-) Good morning!