AGDQ tomorrow
Coffee Zombie
/splorfles drink
Coffee Zombie
That's tomorrow?!
it sneaks up on ya
did they ban RWhiteGoose
idk =0 is there speedrunner drama
science crime
they did yes
science crime
and the other dude too
science crime
it just took a day bc they were verifying the logs, etc
whats the gossip, did they steal someone else's subpixels or something
oh good
science crime
uhhh they posted the schedule and 2 open white nationalists were on it
no goose was being a white nationalist fuck and someone else--yeah
science crime
people came forward with discord logs, etc
oh. shit, yeah, good banning
science crime
what agdq should have done was just ban them immediately bc their views were like
science crime
not hidden, if you looked at their twitters
i was about to swear off agdq if they didn't actually take action because at first they were just sitting on their hands
science crime
but i guess in the interest of not being reactionary they said they would do an investigation
until more people complained
science crime
the way they said it, however, was very much uh
science crime
"we dont ban people for differences of opinion"
science crime
what they should have said was "the investigation was ongoing" but they way they phrased it made it sound like they'd looked into it and made a call
science crime
but the next day they were like "we verified the evidence and they're both banned"
Games Done Quick 'Indefinitely' Splits With Speedrun...
yeah there it is
Coffee Zombie
Oof. I hope that's the worst of that, over. I don't like the idea of the community fracturing over it.
science crime
tbh if this had actually fractured the community then good riddance get rid of all the people who would sympathize with white nationalists bc of freezepeach
Coffee Zombie
Letting that stuff fester off on its own won't help anything, but I know what you mean about not wanting them to associate with the esport.