Aw Jaye wow, you have her almost stammering, trying to answer those questions! dies laughing (for reference, the other night's romance questions, her character asked Mara questions 3, 12, 30, 40 and 46.)
hehehe Hsu says, my work here is done! Poor Mara!
He does love making her nervous. He's always done.
He does g it's because she is perfectly safe with him and he'd never harm her yet he still intimidates yeah he has fun with that in his own way.
;-) It is kind of fun.
I really think that most of it now is unresolved issues from back when she almost died. The fact that she met him when he was in uniform. Which is funny, if she had met him as a warrior, she wouldn't have as much fear as she has of him as a soldier. she would probably be over her fear all together/She has to get that image of him in uniform out of her brain
I think logically she knows, absolutely knows that he would not hurt her. but it's similar to when my brother was bitten by a dog as a baby. Doesn't matter how nice any dog is now, he's always going to be nervous or scared around dogs unless he has therapy (immersion therapy?) it may never change.
okay actually I think he may have been three or four
so I would say the best way for her to get over it is literally by immersion therapy.
if that is we want to expand the character and have her grow. I'm perfectly fine with her being nervous around him ( in spite of the sidhe mead night all those years ago)
After the church massacre, I think we had worked out the story that Hsu had actually saw to either the courtmartial or elimination of all of the soldiers that had been responsible.
as far as I can remember, yes he did. But she was injured and probably unconscious for a lot of that time. He also killed a number of soldiers who had taken part in that
... like you just said. Sorry
and that's when her gift was just breaking open big time, so she was in the middle of being haunted by everything
I think if she'd actually been in her right mind, and seen him performing those actions - hell, if I remember correctly he's the one that carried her into the house
if she'd seen it at the time, things might have been different. But it was a physical trauma and then suddenly a psychic trauma right on top of that
I am thinking maybe Faelyn would have pulled in Ashtoreth 's terror twins in to help make sure she didn't become lost to the otherworld forever? That would be a fun storyline to work with in WUS, too.
you mean when she was recovering in Venice?
that's the reason Faelynn took her to Venice in the first place, was so that the terror twins could teach her how to control her powers so they don't overwhelm her and break her mind
Yes! :-) (Sorry -- am fried crispier than ever this week.)
And questions will be answered tomorrow. I'm not in good headspace for it tonight. There will be, I think, incense lit and deep conversations had with patron dieties.
Can one of you send me that story or a link to it? It's been so long that if love to read it again. I remember the plot but am fuzzy on the details.
Hsu is smirking at the immersion therapy idea ::g::
Let me see if I can find it.
I found the first bit that Amarante wrote. Now to find Faelyn's. goes off to the 2009 calendar of entries
It's also on WUS at Pan
Dammit. I cant find it. pout
Ooooh thank you!! It's so good to read these stories again, after gulp ten years!
Found it on Pan. Posted on World Under Seige. Will crosspost to Fanny's personal journal.
Yay! And now, I'm heading to sleep. <3 to you all.
I will add the terror tots replies tomorrow -- or you can paste them in, if you'd like. I'm good with it anyway. :-)
Heading to bed too. And again many thanks!!...although Himself would like to point out he didn't go by Grayson then :-)
sorry being so late for this conversation, Friday is my day of sleep to catch up on what I didn't get during the week. I know it's not logical
it was a lot of fun to write Rochefort being in Venice, and possessing the body of a family member of one of the Giovanni
and it seems I'm waking up when everybody else is going to sleep. This is the Story of My Life
Aw. Hugs and Love, Love, Love. It is a great story arc & I cannot sleep. I have too much prowly energy in me, so I'm going to pace & mutter, & drink some whisky, & mutter some more but, by all the gods (good, bad, & ugly) this is the last week this stupid job sends me into such a state. I will find my solution this weekend, even if it means leaving.
I can't type in Plurk, lol, but the sentiment stands
I just want you to be safe, and happy, whatever road that you follow to get there
Ashtoreth do you want me to call so you can talk? I'm awake, I'm here to listen
FannyFae since Mara was recovering, I think I wrote some stuff on R's journal about the situation. if I can find it I will post it next behind yours
Oh, Lee, I appreciate your offer so so much, but right now my thoughts are going in circles and I just need to follow them back. I’m still in the hitting pillow stages. I think I just need to get the kinetic energy out first.
I really just need to knock the stuffing out of the pillow
Ok, just know, if you need me I'm here
Jaye: That was my mistake. I can correct it to whatever Himself desires.
I do. Thank you. ❤️
Dream well, my friends! I am still up too, Lee. ;-)
I can't find anywhere on his account the next chapter in the 'healing in Venice' post. It has to be on Pan