The LGBT activists resisting Bolsonaro's Brazil. Marielle Franco, a Brazilian LGBT and human rights activist, was killed in March 2018. Her widow, Monica Benicio, continued her fight for better treatment of the poor, the LGBT community and black Brazilians.
The case of her murder has still not been solved and, as the police investigation drifts, Monica is a plunged into a new crisis: the probable election of Jair Bolsonaro.
他公開表明反同立場,更直言「以身為恐同者為傲」,甚至說過寧可兒子死掉也不接受兒子是同志,以及同志就是欠揍這類話。巴西LGBT族群憂心,博索那羅就任後,將會掀起一股「恐同驕傲」(proud homophobe)浪潮,LGBT族群面臨的歧視和威脅可能更惡化。
▲ 「巴西川普」博爾索納羅(Jair Bolsonaro)2019年元旦宣誓就職。(圖/路透)
除了以色列總理坦雅胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)、匈牙利總李歐爾班(Viktor Orban)等國家領袖出席典禮,美國國務卿龐畢歐(Mike Pompeo)也代表美國出席。美國國務院表示,博索納羅當選為美國及巴西之間的密切聯繫提供了「歷史性機會」。
▲「巴西川普」博爾索納羅(Jair Bolsonaro)2019年元旦宣誓就職。(圖/路透)