It was nasty here, the past days - as every year. But this morning I could have my normal long walk with the dogs again. Poor things have been so scared all weekend, that is the only part I really hate: frightened pets .
We live next to a restaurant in the water and they had boxes and boxes of fireworks going all night long. From before sundown until at least 3am. Pretty but vreselijk!
Chuck was so scared, he just doesn't know what to do: go in his kennel, under the sofa, in the bathroom, under the fornace....restless and trembling. I got special calming spray at the vet (homeopathic, as I dont want to drug them unconscious) which helped a bit, but he was still so scared. Poppy was not as scared as him, but not happy either.
They finally fell asleep around 4AM and slept in till noon...This afternoon we will take them to the dog playground out of town (went there the past days, there is not so much noise and they can't escaped cos it's double fenced) to let them run around and get their heads cleared
This is New Year’s Eve in the Netherlands. Dangerous.