Canon ships vs rp Love interests
So.. Kinda hard to figure out this one. Mick's... well love is taking it far in the show. But there is Len and more recently Garima but I am not sure she counts. There is also a love for the whole crew and when Sara called him family and he didn't protest I awed
RP love interestes. Currently there is Frost and Steve/Bucky. Before that it was Len and to some degree Scott.
There will always be Len
Frost gets him in a way he doesn't expect, honestly I didn't expect it either. And I am not sure if she is good or bad for him yet.
Steve and Bucky is complicated. They had a thing in a breach, a very different kind of relationship that Mick's kind of been wanting ever since that.
Bull's ... well Bull. he will gladly sleep with anyone, that is canon as well as rp
For canon ships it is either Dorian or the Inquisitor, though I am sure as hell that there is some Krem in there as well.
RP love intrests he got some interesting things going on right now. He got Tony and Dorian who he is falling for both of them, and he got a thing with Bobo that seems to be a lot of trust and stuff but wouldn't be love I think. And he also has a lot of FwB that he cares deeply for.
I would very much love to do more with all of them. I kind of seriously ship Mick with everyone on the Waverider
Speaking of, I am actually thinking of canon updating him
time will tell if this is good or bad for them - she likes pushing, and there's just enough Caitlin there still that she won't push too far, so ... we shall see!
why the canon update?
I just feel like there is a lot that has happened in the show that I would maybe like to play on
he's definitely made huge strides in canon - I think he's made some huge strides on the barge, too, so I could see it going either way. I think he's a little more comfortable on the Waverider, but some of that might be because he's been around these people long enough to trust them
so I wonder what giving him that team and letting him bond with them, then taking him right out of that and putting him back on the barge would do
then again, he's also shown that he's perfectly content to leave them be while he hangs out in Aruba, so ... it'd be interesting either way
Like he loves this family and works well with them but as with any family sometimes you need a break from them
I am not sure it would be so easy to keep him on the Barge if he knew he had something good to go back to
and because he trusts them he knows he can leave them for a while and come back - a Mick with that kind of capacity to trust, and who has gone through the grieving process re: Len, could be kinda fun to have around
It would be very weird compared to the trip his grieving process on the barge has been
well, that's where the Deal comes in, I think? if the Deal is strong enough, that's your warden's incentive to stay
Yeah and I have no idea what his deal is anymore
It was to switch places with Len
But Len didn't want him to do that
if it's just a matter of information, or knowing that he does eventually get to that point, that's something that could be accomplished through a flood, too, maybe, or a 4th wall day
And they've gone so many rounds over that
Yeah, it is something I will think about over the break
With John here that might be interesting
because I feel like canon updating entirely is a way to get a character out of a rut, or to get them in a mindset that affects and challenges their barge arc, for strong positive or strong negative reasons - if it disrupts his arc to the point of negating what he's been through so far, I dont know how useful it is? but that's my opinion
Yeah that is one of the things I am considering and why I am saying might
I do like where he is on the Barge
yeah! there's a good case to be made either way.
John being here is great and I think they could still very easily get their snark on XD I'm just like ... hooray, another canonmate! ... and Caitlin has no idea who he is.