over the past couple of days, i have noticed a correlation to when my stepson comes home from school and how my net begins to drop connection on and off for the rest of the night... could that many kids on my street be using net that it effects me like that? because i know it isnt him.

Daddy UwU
total usage can affect a neighborhood/small area, yes. depends on the infrastructure and a lot of other factors though

it drives me insane because so much of my work is uploading and downloading and everything locks up. my tower is on wifi and I wish it was hardwired in so I already have issues here some times but ffs 7-12 at night is the worst and it starts at 3pm. all day though I'm fine

your "node" thingy might be overloaded. they have this problem here in town a lot, not enough nodes whatever those are, and they oversell them so too many people are using the internet at one point.

i would call your isp and ask them about it, tell them you are seeing the drop at a specific time each day, ask them to test stuff in your area.

ya it makes it really hard to work after 3pm now so I'm gonna have to call because deadline crunches are torture with out having my net drop constantly

they might brush you off depending on how your isp is, but if they do ask for a manager, continue to bother them, they will eventually look into it

we have the highest package from our provider and it's only been over the past few months I've noticed. now I have a time range logged and it's consistent