shares: The title of the song you last listened to/Your last text/The last headline you read is the title for Avengers 4. What is it now called?
Mr Volare
Brain Damage: Bring him over- The Mueller investigation in 300 words Yeah, I don't think that works so well.
S.O.B. (Nathaniel Rateliffe) / You help? / {Lacey, WA Jehovah Witness Kingdom Hall] Destroyed by Fire
A Grinning DM
Horns / Hey Bob and Jack, any updates?/ 102 year old woman sets skydiving records for charity m
A Grinning DM
I don't think this meme works so well
A Grinning DM
: Well, you were supposed to kinda pick one, not mash them all together, but I guess I should have been more specific?
Well, if you edit any of mine, they would work: 1) S.O.B. is the title, though they do interject SUNUVABITCH in the actual song; 2) Help?, and 3) Destroyed by Fire.
Squeak =^..^=
"This Is Me" (Last song)