To clarify, the only affiliation I have with any group in Taiwan is as a contributor to 政經看民視 on Formosa TV. No other group, company, or association in Taiwan has my consent to imply I have an affiliation.
For many years I have noted to friends that American conservatives lack a natural partner in Taiwan for collaboration on policy and commentary. Taiwan’s political parties and ideological alignment do not match up well with our frames of reference in the US.
In that spirit I have often encouraged friends to consider organizing outside of the political process in a way that would facilitate policy analysis and advocacy based on common principles and values, somewhat similar to my experience at The Heritage Foundation in the 1990s, finding common cause with think tank equivalents in allied countries.
To the extent that 福和會 is an attempt at that ideal, I did encourage that conversation. However, as that conversation proceeded over several months, I was not able to participate actively.
I respect the right of the wonderful people of Taiwan to organize and advocate for their beliefs. I simply ask that my right to speak for myself be respected as well. It is an unusual and unfamilar challenge for me to keep up with those who seek to use my name for their own purposes in Taiwan, often without my knowledge or consent.
I attach great value to the many friendships and experiences I have been blessed with in Taiwan over many years. I strongly support an American (and allied) policy that helps the people of Taiwan determine their own future, free from intimidation by the Communist Party of China. I appreciate working with all who share that objective.
I am neither a member nor a co-founder of 福和會.
美国在台协会理事、约翰霍普金斯大学客座教授卜道维(David Brown)则认为,选举本身对台美关系没有实质的影响,台美关系不会发生变化,
美帝魔爪並沒伸進來沾染我們的政治 大家可以安心了 上面的臆測也可以自行洗腦消除一下
It has come to my attention that my name (葉望輝) is being used in association with the launch of a new political group in Taiwan (福和會).
This has drawn a surprising amount of unsolicited media attention to me and unearned media attention to the group.
I am neither a member nor a co-founder of 福和會.