My 5th grader is doing a health unit at school and they are discussing good touch/bad touch, etc, but it bugged me how they were trying to describe how children cannot consent to anything sexual, and the video said "because kids don't have control of their bodies" and I was like
Consent is tricky to explain to a kid in this context, I get it, but you don't want to teach kids that they aren't in charge of their bodies, that is the exact opposite of what you want to teach around sexual predators
It's possible my kid could have misunderstood this, but it bothered me if that is really what it said
This is completely ass backwards. Kids need to know and should know they have a right to say no! WTF
Nope. Teaching fail.
We covered it at therapy so I think she is clear on it now, but something seemed to be missing in that. The therapist talked power, and used a lot of examples like teachers, priests, etc, but even that I was kind of like, sure, but that doesn't cover every adult to a kid. I don't know, we'll talk about it further. At least they are trying to be more open
about these things and actually have conversations at school too so kids know more.