duck bastard
[rp] If I haven't replied to you, just assume my inbox ate it and i'm oblivious
duck bastard
/finding all sorts of tags Chikusa got that I didn't realize he did on the tfs intro....
i think it's still your tag on shabon h/c! also mer psl if we're still taggin that one, though idr if we are :Ic
duck bastard
i knew it
betrayed again
lmk if you need links
duck bastard
i... think i can find them... maybe....
i believe in you......
duck bastard
also cordially since i'm including ginia's recs to chikusa on visual novels, anything established for the "High Stakes" game lmao
duck bastard
that would be the Last Sunflower game, then... /has the thread open lmao
duck bastard
permission to make bullshit up for her stock market visual novel
duck bastard
duck bastard
lmao as one should with games