ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
>.> black friday sale, plus I had $30 worth of promos on my Amazon account so
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
I may now own FO76
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
although, oddly enough, I think I bought an actual physical copy, cause. I didn't get a code in my email, and it had a delivery date
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
but. Tricentennial Edition for only thirty bucks
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
I hope it will actually be enjoyable to play. wife ended up canceling her pre-order, cause she was very unhappy with the beta, so that makes me worry
It depends on what you want out of it.
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
a good game? where I don't have to worry about PVP assholes?
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
You might be reaching for the stars there
I finally encountered some griefers.
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
ffft, I hope not. there's supposed to be a PVE option, isn't there?
They were level 30+ and chased me around the world, I was level 12
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
ew, wtf
Probably 80% of people are playing PVE alone
I had to quit the game to get away from them.
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
Blocking them does nothing don't listen to Bethesda
Although it does shut them up
Because everyone's mics are always on
But you can apparently turn that off.
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
I thought you were supposed to be able to opt out of PVP entirely, although I know that was one of my wife's complaints- she was still taking damage
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
yeeeeeeah, that's one of the other things I'm leery of
Yes, you take tiny amount of damage and if you refuse to engage they get a bounty
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
altho I can always unplug my mic, thankfully
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
it's not built in
If you like exploring the wasteland and seeing new locations, and find that fun? It's okay.
Well yes, but everyone else's mic is on (LOL)
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
ffft, that is
So you know you're getting close to someone because you'll hear them.
If you're not staring at the map and I'm not usually
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
really, have they learned nothing from having one MMO already
They have learned very little
The exploration part is nice but the quest is ehhhhh
Currently I'm at a point in MSQ that is broken I think.
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
I heard they're planning more further down the road? idk
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
and eeeew
And there are no NPCs
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
altho. not surprised
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
Bethesda and broken quests kinda go hand in hand
Homicidal A.I
I hope you enjoy it! I ended up uninstalling it because it just wasn't fun for me.
So that's not a myth. Except for a super mutant trader we met in the B.E.T.A. that was burried in the ground because of a bug so only his head was above it and he was talking to us
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
awww, I'm sorry it was no fun for you
Homicidal A.I
thanks it just had too much stuff, that didn't work well and I never play multiplayer online games so it was a reach anyway
I enjoy going into the buildings and exploring new places, so I have had a decent amount of fun with it, the map is super huge, there's so many places to go and I've barely scratched the surface at probably, I dunno, 30 hours in?
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
I'll admit, with the bad stuff I already know, I'm really banking on it getting better, so. maybe someday in the (far) future?
But it was way more fun when I had my friend join me for the B.E.T.A.
Yeah there's a lot they need to fix.
And the weight limit is garbage XD
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
I get that. one of the other reasons I decided to go for it despite the bad stuff is that my cousin is getting it
Homicidal A.I
yeah, I have some hope. like I still OWN the game so maybe if I hear it gets a lot better I'll set aside another 24 hours to load it
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
he and his group of mmo friends..... altho I'll be avoiding his friends
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
my cousin has uh. bad tastes in gamer friends. but I enjoy playing games with him
We decided not to follow the quest when we tested, we just took off in a direction and explored and it was pretty fun. We were taunting mothman :-D
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
You can go steal his eggs at the museum and we were worried he was going to show up. He didn't at that time, but he appeared before me later
But I think he was broken because he just stood there while I killed him (LOL)
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
haaaaaaaa XD
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
and again. unsurprised. XD
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
I mean. this is the company that recognized their code had been stolen because of the bugs
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
"waitaminute, this other game has what bug? THAT'S OUR BUG DAMMIT"
There are a bunch of problems, but yeah, depends on what you want (LOL)
Yes it's their bug.
So many of their bugs.
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
eh. maybe I'll play with my cousins's friends after all. hide inside the PVP assholes so they won't PVP asshole me
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
I will see when I actually get the game! haha, which won't be a few days, it seems. but I'm good with waiting
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
I got the $80 version for thirty bucks. yeah, I can deal with the wait. XD
Yeah, I have the expensive edition XD I'm not sure what that does for me but /shrug
/costs way more than $80 here
But really I only met some assholes once, everyone else seems to be doing their own thing (LOL)
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
you're supposed to get a bunch of in game items with the tricentennial edition, I know
Bethesda doesn't seem to understand their audience
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
I'm still boggled over how in Earth they thought an mmo without TEXT CHAT would work, fffffft
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
but then. ESO is an mmo with an ah, so
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
(granted, that's probably more Zenimax's fault, but still)
Oh yeah text chat
I miss text chat so much
The emote thing is terrible
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
that's one of the biggest things that I hope they fix
They're thinking about it.
Whatever that means.
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
hopefully it means they've realized how much they fucked up and are trying to figure out how to fix it
Homicidal A.I
that would be nice
Homicidal A.I
also good job getting a sale, I got the normal edition but because Canada I had to pay $90 for it regrets
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
ewwwww, I'm sorry
Homicidal A.I
this is why I laugh sob when people are like omg games cost $60 or more
Yeah, $109 centennial edition XD
It's at least $80 in Canada for everything XD
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
ѕo Hαıʟ Sιтнιѕ
I practically live on sales as it is when it comes to games, since I couldn't afford them otherwise, I can't imagine how much worse it is for you guys
I just woke up and am not coherant, but let me know later if you want more opinions lol.
You ca turn voice off. You can also go pacifist mode. I also need coffee to make sense
The game is def what you make it. And I've noticed more fun with friends.
But that's also a ymmv comment.