[Castlevania][Spoilers][Nerd Rage Defcon 3]
They sapped all the fun out of it. Director, writer, producer.
They sapped it of the fun and we were left with thin bits of plot teasers that won't make up a good story—not in the hands of the ones responsible for this conclusion
The characterization and plot are the biggest problems.
And those can be summarized as no one is allowed to grow onscreen, and too many antagonists were counted as protagonist—that is, as dynamic characters.
General rule of thumb: when you have to have one character TELL THE OTHER that they have changed, they have grown, they have matured, chances are they have, in fact, not done any of that.
Because the biggest sin a writer or editor can allow to pass is that a story tells instead of shows.
Trevor began this adventure a drunken care-not disillusioned with the world and with no penchant to care about anyone aside of himself, and seemed to be at conflict with the hard-lessons drilled in him that he actually should care about others as that is his role & mandate as a Belmont by blood.
Trevor ended this as finally accepting that familial duty...and fuck all else. Because there was no one about who could reflect a kinder or more benevolent outlook toward the people that shunned him and the organization that excommunicated him.
We did not get an angle that he was even begrugingly accepting of this destiny out of an attraction or like of Sypha, his only foil in the story.
That was sadly, brutally fumbled because the director wanted more time given to sassy quips than actual bouts of emotional conveyance.
Another tip: if you remember the quips more than you do the actual moments where Trevor laughs, cries, gets pissed, becomes stoic, or displays determination in the face of extreme opposition, then the writer's fucked up.
Some of the quips were funny.
None of them substitute for the tell-tale signs we as readers/audience need to know there is a character going through dynamic change.
And so we move to the second person who didn't change either: Sypha.
And this I view as a vastly bigger greviance. Because Sypha had unfortunately a fuckton of weight on her shoulders as the lynchpin to Trevor as well as Alucard
And with the absence of humans to focus on and other Speakers, she also because the only relatable lens of focus for the audience.
After all, we aren't actually meant to relate to Trevor or Alucard. Not on a foundational level. Trevor shunned Wallachia, Alucard was sleeping off his boo boos and accepted there'd be bloodletting until he recovered.
Sypha was the only one present that wanted verymuch to save humanity from word one. So as a connection to a reluctant-yet-necessary was buried in quips.
As a focus to keep the audience grounded in the kindness of humanity...buried in action scenes and quips. Could have been SHOWN in those scenes, but we'll get to the weightless fights in a bit.
As a proposed romance to Trevor, an issue the games themselves never fleshed out on...she not only fails, but proceeds to be a naggy know-it-all with signs of PTSD and adrenaline addiction.
As the only character who was capable of helping Trevor actually developing how own compassion & conviction for humankind...quips. We got quips.
And then there's Alucard: short and sweet he's beaten by daddy, heals for a year, barbs back and forth with some random hunter Belmont, stakes his dad, and goes right into a cry after the dust settles and everyone leaves.
He isn't given a chance at dynamics, but then he's also not given the pragmatic nature that would have offset some of Trevor's cynicism and at least justified them being at one another's necks aside of the most-basic reason (human v vampire)
He was basically there to poke along the plot, carry the fight scenes, and then make the audience really uncomfortable with the last scene
(irritate is probably a better word)
And then there's the big elephant in the room: Dracula
He shouldn't have had a character arc at all
Here's the problem: They wrote two different paths for his character and basically hoped/prayed the audience wouldn't notice.
They wanted his redemption as a man-turned-monster-turned-man, but they also wanted his damnation as a symbol against all that is good
S1 Ep1 had him stoic and alone for 10 seconds, then Lisa Syphas (I am coining that as a verb since it's apparently what the women do in this animated series) him into a picket fence around the castle with a bounding baby boy.
And if that route was important? Then it'd have been fleshed out in season 2 THROUGH ALUCARD
The man who didn't even open to his memories until the last 30 seconds of the S2 finale.
I could understand given the short budget and shorter ep list mandated to the staff for the shortcomings. Had they stuck to just that road, however, it'd have been fine.
But they also got greedy and wanted Dracula, who tears through the countryside and destroys the lives and souls of men. That is largely what the REST of S1 established.
The audience witnesses four compact episodes of unspeakable, unforgivable, unrepentant and unrelenting genocide.
Heads on pikes tied together in entrails, moats about towncastles pooled in blood and shit, traumatized children and mothers and fathers, people drinking themselves into stupors trying not to see all that and willing to shed innocent blood for the illusional hope that it will all somehow go away if they do.
That is the picture of a city-state in terror crafted by a complete monster.
... and then S2 shows us a weepy, apathetic, sullen man who does fuck-all about executing his own jihad.
Too busy moping to lead his generals. Too busy moping to catch and cull the least subtle display at power usurping I've seen outside of name-your-mahou-shoujo-sentai-series.
Too busy moping to cull the Hector Stand In (that's not Hector—get to that in a moment, too) when he quite obviously begins helping to sew dischord into his forces
And this isn't me going "waaaaaaaaaaah he's not like the gaaaaaaaaaaaame"
This is the writer/director/producer's responsibility, full-stop.
They showed the picture of two men in S1 named Dracula: The stoic that began to believe his new wife, and the wrathful devil that was set for genocide
And because they couldn't choose which they wanted to be the antagonist, we ended up with a soggy mix of both, to the detriment of both.
Carmilla the less I say about her the happier I am
She and she alone is the reason I'm not tuning into any followup season. She's boring, she's undeserving, she's unrelatable, she's not worth following as an antagonist.
No wait she's not alone
BOTH forgemasters will also be the reason I won't bother with a S3
And it's now hilariously sad that I have to say this IS because of the games
Because That Thing Wasn't Hector, and That Thing Wasn't Isaac.
Isaac's character is a third aspect of Dracula/Castlevania introduced mostly in the Metroidvania arcs: the corruption of men.
The acceptance that mankind can be both unbelievably benevolent, and horrifyingly malevolent in their passions and pursuits. Isaac was the EMBODIMENT of passion and worship to Dracula, as it (the castle) was the one place he truly felt normal.
And after Dracula's loss, he takes painstaking labors and plans to revive his lord while punishing who he viewed as the guilty party the entire time: Hector.
Hector, meanwhile, was the classic rendition the forces of vengance and redemption struggling with one another.
He accepts Dracula's invitation originally because his Forgemaster ability wasn't gifted to him—he was born with it. Nightwalkers always beckoned to him since childhood, and he'd been ostracized and exhiled as a result. But didn't hate men, instead understanding humanity and the beasts of the dark wont' ever coexist.
Dracula promotes him from hermit status and gives him normalcy. But he sees the cruelty it inflicks on Wallachia, and wants no more of it. By the time Trevor, Sypha, Alucard, and Grant storm the demon castle, Hecotr's fled back to exhile.
Where he lives until a nun of all people takes kindly to him, nurses him to health (he did not escape Dracula's castle unscathed), and actually weds him.
Isaac and Hector are two sides of the same coin. Birthed with half a foot in the dark realm. One embraced it while the other accepted but kept distance to it. The whole plot was Hector slowly being driven mad in a thirst for revenge by Isaac having his new wife and only friend/companion killed, going so far as to revive and perfect his Devilforging skills
for the task.
All set up to be an elaborate trap to have Hector succumb to a force he doesn't even realize is plaguing him until the very last minute as he's about to actually step into oblivion: Dracula's Curse. Taking Isaac's life would put him over the edge and make him a vessel for Dracula's return, and said dark lord had been whispering into his ear
the whole game to drive him to that point.
It fails, and instead Isaac submits himself as the sacrifice, at which point there is the obvious boss fight.
All of that is needed to say just why these two shouldn't have been present in this animated series
Hector is now some crazy lady's whipping boy and nowhere near as driven or principled as his game iteration. The onslaught viewed first-hand of the river city should have been enough to force a dilemma to his hands.
We don't get that. We get someone who wishy-washes himself into a role of Benedict Arnold, and then is a whipping boy for Carmillia and her crappy dialogue.
Isaac should be seething at Dracula's betrayal and setting out to prepare his vengance
Instead, he's gathering bandit corpses in the desert to prepare his own jihad against humanity
And that's not what either character is for.
Trevor, Sypha, and Alucard, despite my gripes, at least stayed true to the foundation of their roles. These two were abused and mutated for the sake of some bad narrative ideas.
Ideas that had no weight. Much like the fighting.
So let's get to that. The fights looked goddamned gorgeous.
The whip coreography was absolutely amazing and there's nothing I'd argue about for that
Problem is, thanks to all the bad characterization I mentioned above, not a speck of the fights in S2 carried any good or relevant weight.
Zero tensions. The Game of Vampire Thrones bit, paired with the Weepy Vampire King drained all the fun out of the water city betrayal
The quips and barbs distracted me entirely from really enjoying the siege on the Belmont Keep
Each of the Vampire generals fighting were made to be wheat to a thresher machine called Alucard, so the tension of any of the 3 heroes getting wounded, turned, or caught and used against one another never materialized. Because said generals lived as they died: as wallpaper for the background.
Dracula's throwdown was cool, and entirely lacking in investment
It turned into Alucard v Dracula and Trevor was entirely forgotten about
Then they hit the baby room and I lost my will to live through the rest with any bit of excitement.
In the end, the only thing I really enjoyed start to finish was the animation. The lighting, the fluidity, most of the shots were excellent.
And even when they tried to make up for shitty ideas (that whole Alucard through the castle epilogue), they were damned-good.
Bloody Tears actually did not move me.
The tracks in S1, as well as music direction in S1, was better on a whole.
A lot of the music got in the way for S2, including Bloody Tears, which started great and then just repeated itself over and over.
MEH clockwork is where it's at
without beckoning I can easily hear that in my head
cause, y'know, repeating chiptune that probably CAN be an orchestra piece if properly fleshed
Overall I'd warn any Castlevania fans away from this with vigor
I'd also advise you flee from any Carmilla or Hector or Isaac RPers on site. I'll tell you now that road will end in pain & misery
I don't trust Castlevania RP as a rule of thumb, anyway.
best case scenario: you get a dracula who doesn't speak and just attacks on site
worst case scenario: Lords of Shadow
Thafjkdsla oh god no
I still have to go through those but I have nightmares
I've never had a castlevania bore me first try like Mirrors of Fate did
i made a joke acct for mirrors of fate belmont where he just went into a game and bashed in drywall for food
i got that game for free and it still cost me more
because the vet i brought my cat to is a huge castlevania fan and everytime i see him he's like 'HAVE YOU PLAYED LORDS OF SHADOW?'
Me> /looks at free keys for lord of shadow
Me> /sweating as I hit devil trigger
You sure that's a fan and not Mephisto not trying to talk you into something terrible?
i'm not sure i have any soul left for anymore faustian deals
Valid thought
lucifers just going to turn the knob look at the spigot and immediately cry fraud
This made me tired, yo
I didn't want to be a cussy asshole about it or seem like whining. I had considerable grievances with tow S2 played out.
if i wanna dive into castlevania-esque tones i'll just play the actual game and remember why it raises my blood pressure
Because the birds
oh did you see modders put work into JESUScastlevania 2 to make its plotline and NPC dialogue make sense?
a hero's work if most fans didn't already just flat out memorize where to go
I think I have it somewhere but forget where I put it
Never got around to it, cause I'm a lazy so-and-so when it comes to PC games.
(won't be the case soon since Sony's basically saying "we don't want you" anymore! ha ha...haaaah. sigh)
i just got recommended to watch a sotn speedrun and i now think this is the replacement for the netflix series
literally bouncing off of walls at 90 mph through the castle
Not moonwalking through everything and awkward super and double jumps?
mostly air-slashing and slide-kicking if anything
i guess the input is faster because you can buffer jumps
They always suprirse me the few times I tune in. Usually don't bother often. I see a game like Casltevania and I go "yes, I can get lost in here for a few years months weeks"
So watching speedruns at times is like those times when your parents want revenge on your & your bother fighting all day
So they tell you we're going to McDonalds, you get in the car, buckle up, and proceed to drive past every single McDonalds for fifteen miles.