Y'know, I love AU RPs. I love them. They seem to have fallen out of favour (were they ever in favour?) on DW/LJ, but they're still my favourite.
I mean sure, the idea of apping at an RP game fills me with a sense of dread akin to making an awkward phonecall, but even so.
AUs are so great, though. I never understood the love for cosmic claw-grab games. Take character from original setting, stick them in a jamjar? Noooo thank you.
I miss TST sometimes.
yes :c
I miss those too. :C
I love my current cosmic jam jar for the players, entirely. But I'd enjoy a good AU game like nobody's business.
Jolly Manticore
Jamjars are so dull. I tried a couple and just couldn't get into thgem
I... got a lot of replurks on an AU game idea but ultimately no bites, so I’m out of ideas other than maybe mention it on RPAnons and see if you can get traction for something?
overlord : I saw one AU game being tossed about (Usir..?) but I can't abide games that allow OCs, and it does, so nooooooope.
Null : Yeah, that's a good reason to like a game! The players are the most important bit, I think
Jolly Manticore : I tried one, which didn't get off the ground, but I dislike the idea of them..? Especially the laser-guided amnesia aspect and so on
unfortunately i think it’s hard to find an AU game these days that doesn’t allow OCs
OCs generally are pretty well-accepted in DWRP atm, a lot of jamjars allow them, too
okay this is a stupid question but how DO you find games in general? Is there a list?...
I might even try a jamjar if it didn't have, like, memory loss and regain and death and resurrection and all this newfangled edgy nonsense /shakes cane
i see them either through replurks, or ads on rpanons, or someone i know pings me directly like “hey i bet you’d like this idea”
yeah, a lot of that doesn't work so well if you haven't been in rp for like... ten years or something
(okay maybe five? seven, idk, forever)
Adarglad : I think it's impossible, tbh. I mean, I love people having OCs? I have my own OCs and I love my OCs but... they're too easy to be an excuse to change characterisation on a whim, or never need to canon review and nobody would ever know! Bleeeh.
I guess it's mean, but... I know I'd ... avoid OCs. Partly because of that, partly because they can, in worst case scenarios, smack of self-inserty wish fulfillment fantasy, depending on the premise, which is a big creepy, ngl.
I mean, I'll probably never play in a public game again ever, because ... honestly, the idea fills me with dread and makes me actively anxious (and I don't use anxious lightly, since I find it's over-used to mean 'mild discomfort'), but... I just miss TST.
It was Good and well thought out, without bucketloads of edginess and death and memory loss and whatever else goes these days /shakes fukn cane
But then again, on the subject of OCs, fandom marches on so much now that the last big 'thing' that was around when I was in a game was like, Persona 4 and sodding Homestuck
So everyone may as well be an OC
I miss TST too :-(
I will say that the way OCs are designed, played, and accepted in the community is a lot different than it was
that’s not to convince you to do anything, just, you’re right, the scene has changed a TON
Yeah, I'd definitely have to research it. I mean, I have a big game I maintain with my best mate, which is a big ... AU ... mashup... thing (which I love, it's my no.1 love) but I just found myself getting nostalgic for ol' TST when the AU game crossed my dash.
The good ol' days
Yeah. I don't think I'd mind OCs, since half the fandom characters might be OCs for all the difference it makes to me. Yeah, there could be issues with them, but it's probably worth trying to see if there really are or not, since it's such a common thing now.
But I'm looking through rpanon game ads now and pretty much all of them have something that turns me off, ahaha. Why am I so picky.
thanks for the TST nostalgia tho
that always brings me joy