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TheSptWhoDumpedMe Kate就是讚XDDD這套也滿好笑的看得很開懷
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Incredibles2 我對於上一集其實只是ok…XDa(我知道是很多人的童年回憶但我的童年跟迪士尼無緣lol)這集就…依然滿好猜的?XD最讚還是Edna<3
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AsAboveSoBelow 滿喜歡片尾設計,故事本身一開始比較像尋寶較為有趣(雖然還是很扯XDD古文翻譯出來英文還會押韻XDDDD)後頭就滿好猜的
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TheBlackcoatsDaughter 這部是因為跟i am the pretty thing that lives in the house同一位導演而感興趣補完的;我個人比較喜歡the pretty thing,但The Blackcoat's Daughter的故事架構和剪接手法都很完整,用畫面交待了故事而非只靠對白大概是我最喜歡的部份
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Horror is a Trojan horse for The Blackcoat’s Daughte...
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For me, with the [original] title of February, I was going for the idea that a time can also be a location. In other words, you can re-visit a time of year, in the same way you can go back to a house that you used to live in.
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A certain month or a certain season can elicit a certain emotional response. That’s certainly true for anyone who has a negative anniversary on their calendar—the approach of that month brings the feeling of being very much back in another room. It’s a time that stands outside the rest of the year. So that’s where the title of February came from.
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