Other Black netflix users: does your queue do this? Generate posters with the Black cast members on them to try to compel you to watch? This film stars Kristen Bell/Kelsey Grammer and these actors had maaaaybe a 10 cumulative minutes of screen time. 20 lines between them, tops.
I hear you 100% I also think this is closer to the intersection of regular creepy marketing and dark patterns/social engineering than most targeting efforts...esp in the first case where it's a bait and switch designed to generate royalties for a netflix title. Bc product i guess
THAT'S RACIST! I rarely watch "Black" titles on Netflix in comparison to the rest of the content I actually view. But I DO feel to unnecessarily targeted to watch what their algorithm thinks I should be watching. That may be why I purposely don't watch Black flicks on NF.
It’s not marketing. Marketing would be pushing you movie posters of actual movies with black leads. This is creepy. This is more insidious. It doesn’t help their bottom line. You watch the first 5 minutes then realize it’s not what it claims.
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