percivals: It's possible, but it was probs only one person being a tit about it and it's not the general opinion. The British government is trying to have its cake and eat it too and the EU is just following proper protocol
I mean this was a whole thing of like Tories throwing up a referendum they never thought would turn out like it did to quiet public rumblings then leaving it in the hands of people who wanted to Remain to begin with
I haven't been keeping up with the negotiations but I remember seeing the LITERALLY WRONG OR STRATEGICALLY OMITTED easily findable info the Tories were spouting
I just remembered this recent-ish sun article trying to put a DRAMATIC SURPRISE!! spin on how British citizens will have to pay a travel visa to travel within the EU...
Can we just call it off?
Tories throwing up a referendum they never thought would turn out like it did to quiet public rumblings
then leaving it in the hands of people who wanted to Remain to begin with
woman who votes for Lions Eating People's Faces party upset because "well, I didn't expect a lion to eat MY face!"