One of the few times I've gone out to the store alone, all happy about my freedom, and I see a couple guys hanging around the storefront, someone else calling out for help because she is blind, sitting on the ground and no one responding. Not a welcome situation.
I felt bad that I couldn't help her but worse that no one was paying any attention. And the two guys kept hanging out around the front of the store by the doors. I finally went in to get a few things. Of course, both men were inside with me too. One in the same isle until I walked away. I found my things, paid and left the store. The lady was still out there
asking for help and still no one responding. So I got in the car because again, one of the guys was back outside wandering around ( I assume he was not well) and approaching people now. I really couldn't help the lady get up if that is what she needed. So I called the cops, and obviously others had as well. So they arrived before I even backed out of my...
parking space. I was glad about that, at least I know they came. I did mention the men, but they didn't seem as interested in them so who knows about them because I left! I was going to go get a coffee and grab some other things, but after that, I thought I'd just head home!
I’d be nervous shopping in that store the way you said the guys were stalking you.
Well, I wasn't until I noticed one enter the isle I was in. Then I felt uncomfortable. And, this is the only time this has actually happened to me there, or anywhere if I remember correctly... and I might not remember correctly.