zee art
[haunting of hill house] workin through this, there will be spoilers. dang i am enjoying this.
zee art
first of all, so many pretty ladies for me to enjoy looking at
zee art
into that
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the dudes are ok, does the dad have contact lenses??? his eyes are very distracting
zee art
they look not only too blue but like the rim around the iris is too thick, like contacts
zee art
anyway i have just started episode three and let me tell you, when the kid goes down the dumbwaiter into the basement
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my heart definitely did a thudthud that it has never done before in reaction to a horror movie
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when the arm appeared
dick judgement
OH is it good!!!
zee art
this was 100% the right decision to have this as a series and not a single movie -- HEY GET OUT OF HERE THERE'S SPOILERS
zee art
u can't just spoil yourself on scary moments in a scary thing jeez
zee art
but yes it is good.
just donna
He's wearing contacts to match the older actor who is more famous and it's a mistake
zee art
zee art
that makes sense but yeah, contacts always seem like a mistake :'|
zee art
it's why harry potter is blue eyed now
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zee art
first i was like aw he just wanted his hat, buT THEN
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that got me pretty good.
zee art
honestly i think what i like most about this horror (besides that you actually care about the characters) is that it doesn't do anything cheap ... no jump scares, not ISN'T THIS GROTESQUE AND THEREFOR SCARY, it just ... presents all this weird ass shit for your uneasy consideration
zee art
there are a few brief flashes of creepy but i still wouldn't call them jump scares
zee art
i was a fool who put on another ep for a little bit more drawing, but now i'm forcibly dragging myself to bed halfway through ep 4
i am glad you're enjoying it!!!
i finished it a couple hours ago and i really liked it all the way through
i definitely think horror tends to work best in either a really short or much longer format - standard movie length horror rarely does it for me, but horror short films can be very effective, and a long series like this really gives the story room to breathe and grow and just be quietly unsettling instead of throwing a bunch of stuff at you in an 1hr30min
i've been watching this and enjoying it a lot
mari lwyd
mari lwyd
they're really checking all the boxes and I'm enjoying it, we got mouth bug and floaty ghost and weird elongated scream face and a dumbwaiter and crayon drawings
mari lwyd
flowing nightgowns
mari lwyd
although i fastforwarded thru all kitten scenes I ain't here for that shit
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honestly i could only take the kitten parts because they were so obviously cg, the instant they needed a kitten to be still they weren’t using a real one
zee art
but man katya hard same, this is such a good format for a properly unsettling thing
Win and I blasted through all the way to episode 9 last night and we're gonna finish today
I honestly cannot remember the last time I enjoyed a horror series so much
I'm gonna have to rewatch it because I know I missed a lot of things going on in the background and there's a lot of stuff that's only obvious to me looking back and now we're too deep to actually go back together and find it
I jumped out of my skin at least three times an episode
zee art
right!! it's scary but in a really great way, it makes me want more
zee art
i was so reluctant to turn it off last night
I don't wanna spoil anything for you but
pay attention to the backgrounds and the hallways and stuff
the edges of frames and off in the far distance
mari lwyd
I like how the opening changes just a little each time
Oh fuck it does?
Damn this show is good!
I did notice all the episodes are different lengths and it was really messing with me a little
mari lwyd
Yeah! The number of statues in the labyrinth changes, and different doors are open or closed
zee art
shiiiit i have so much to start paying more attention to
zee art
i've been watching and drawing, lmao i might need to make this a "only watch when paying full attention" show
win and I missed a lot b/c we were both "working" while watching but there's a lot of stuff happening all the time to make you feel way more unsettled and disoriented
zee art
ah. the end of ep 5 was extremely good
zee art
very into that thanks
zee art
i had to stop drawing and just stare for like a full 15 minutes
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ok i finished it
zee art
i cried like FUCKIN BABY
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honestly the mystery i'm most glad they solved for me was why mrs dudley kept being like the what room??? when steve said he was in his game room, or nellie said she was in the toy room
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i knew that had to be something
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combining the scenes of theo in her dance room and nellie/shirley trying to get in was such a cool way to show that, even though i didn't really get it at the time
god I sat down and binged this all the way through yesterday and my mind is still blown
mari lwyd
i cried so much
zee art
damn that is a lot to binge through, i think i did it in 3 days
zee art
possibly 2 idr. i just remember last night i was halfway through the final ep and left it for today, and then spent all night dwelling on it
mari lwyd
mari lwyd
i had actually started watching AHS but then I told myself I'd watch five minutes of haunting to get it in my continue watching list
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lmao i see how that went
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haunting felt like what i always wanted to be ahs, but ahs leaned too hard for camp and shock value
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wanted ahs to be*
i cried SO MUCH lol
ɪᴍ ʙᴀʙᴀꜱʜᴏᴏᴋ
bruh i cried so hard at the end of episode 5
ɪᴍ ʙᴀʙᴀꜱʜᴏᴏᴋ
it was so beautifully done
ɪᴍ ʙᴀʙᴀꜱʜᴏᴏᴋ
with her dancing
zee art
i may have teared up a bit on 5
ɪᴍ ʙᴀʙᴀꜱʜᴏᴏᴋ
zee art
but i was full on sobbing when it panned down to see dad there with his heart medicine at the end
ɪᴍ ʙᴀʙᴀꜱʜᴏᴏᴋ
oooh god yes
zee art
let a bitch finisH A TWO PART SENTENCE
ɪᴍ ʙᴀʙᴀꜱʜᴏᴏᴋ
zee art
IM ON MOBILE ITs hard i had to fix like every other word
zee art
was 5 when you see her dancing with her husband through the house?
ɪᴍ ʙᴀʙᴀꜱʜᴏᴏᴋ
y e s
zee art
ok yeah that got me
zee art
a few solemn tears were shed
zee art
but i definitely dehydrated myself all through the last 15 minutes or so
ɪᴍ ʙᴀʙᴀꜱʜᴏᴏᴋ
y e a h
ɪᴍ ʙᴀʙᴀꜱʜᴏᴏᴋ
o god the dudleys
ɪᴍ ʙᴀʙᴀꜱʜᴏᴏᴋ
were what killed me
ɪᴍ ʙᴀʙᴀꜱʜᴏᴏᴋ
after the dad
zee art
oh jesus yeah them too
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those poor people :’|
zee art
a surprisingly and satisfyingly happy ending though, despite all the tears. it’s really impressive when a story manages to balance happy and sad so well