Bixmas Cheer
bleergh, anyone want to do things back in liminal with Seifer???

Bixmas Cheer
I want to get closer to AC with him

Would you be interested in doing something with Kitty or Malin?

Bixmas Cheer

Any preference as to whom? Kitty was sulking in any room possible during the pool liminal because ew, water, and Malin was wandering around trying to see who is new and who's still there form when she was around before

Bixmas Cheer
who would do better with a semi-villain 18 year old who gives stupid nicknames and has yet to deal with any of the things he's done despite having Guilt about it?

I think both would work equally well? They're both from semi-villain backgrounds themselves, so...Malin is the more moral one of the two, though not by much

also do you have a toplevel?

Bixmas Cheer
I will... toss one up

Bixmas Cheer
or hit yours up XD

I don't think I had one for either of them? but I might be wrong

Bixmas Cheer
crl+F didn't show any but I can deffos get one together

if you can throw a starter up that'd be great. I could chuck both at you then, too

see where they lead

𝖌𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝖙𝖜𝖔𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖊
if u get a top level up i’ll tag it

Did this toplevel ever happen? if not that's fine, I just want to make sure I didn't miss a ping

Bixmas Cheer
IT didn't, I've been staring at the box making pbbbt noises, sorry

no problem at all.

I just wanted to check

if you want to do it at a later time just prod me with a link