Corgi Gams
[Inktober] these nerds
Corgi Gams
As I was drawing Marcus I just kept wondering
Corgi Gams
Moxxi, why did you marry this asshole?
Corgi Gams
what did she see in him?
Corgi Gams
we may never know
Corgi Gams
also it's really gratifying that my camera does the little box thing around the faces in my drawings
Corgi Gams
ALSO after drawing Scooter I'm still buttmad about what Gearbox let Telltale do to him 8|
Haunted Boobs
Haunted Boobs
(And I mean....Moxxie also dated H.Jack and a cannibal biker gang leader, Moxxie has interesting tastes.)
Corgi Gams
(This is very true)
Corgi Gams
(but did she marry Jack or the gang leader)