I tried to give another chance to the BD viewer. There are a few things i love (the camera roll <3 and i also have the feeling it lag and crash way less than FS) and a lot of things i hate (THE UI UGH, also where i can set the size for mi pics? Why i can't have crisp shadows? WHERE'S THE CHAT AND THE IW PROFILES???).
Tbh if FS could use some of the good BD features... or if BD could get an option to change its UI into FS's UI, that would be great.
Daddy UwU
the UI is the only reason I don't exclusively use the BD viewer. You can set size for photos and make shadows crisp tho in the various settings. Chat is.... I can't remember what button, mines set to top center, and old-school profiles is pretty much an FS only thing now to my knowledge
apparently you can customize the UI in black dragon but i personally can't be assed and just use firestorm as my main viewer and only switch to it for pics
the poser makes it so worth it though. no hud can compare to that
Daddy UwU
even through heavy UI customizations, FS's UI is still cleaner/better
there are no inworld profiles, black dragon runs off of the non firestorm 3.0 code. he won't put our old style profiles in you have to use web
you can set the size for your photos in the floater that pops up when you take a photo
「Thanako」 : i wanted to try it as everyday client because i strangely lagged less (i tried it on a rp sim), and i tried to customize the UI a bit but... UGH.
Daddy UwU : i dunno if i will switch to it for pics tbh... i love the camera feature, but even the settings aren't really great for me. Or maybe i didn't used the right ones, but dunno... i still prefer FS, may the lord of SL photography forgive me lol
Nimil : i looked for that but i couldn't find it! I'll check again when i'll try it again
Daddy UwU I'm trying to remember the setting to help with shadows and such.
the shadows work a bit differently in it, if you want them to be higher quality you need to increase the shadow resolution in the machinima sidebar (f1)
Daddy UwU : thank you! <3
Daddy UwU and my shadow settings
「Thanako」 : i tried! But they look always kinda blurred... if i unmark one of the voices (Light softening or something similar) shadows will look ugly from a certain distance :/
they usually tend to look more crisp in my pics than they actually do ingame D: maybe it's the case for you too?
Daddy UwU : thank you again! I'll log in into BD and try to see what i can do 「Thanako」 oh i haven't tried that!
Daddy UwU
and a side by side of shadows inworld ( L ) vs inphoto ( R ) albeit definitely not the best comparison in the world (LOL)
Daddy UwU : OMG TY your settings are perfect!
Daddy UwU
SilverShine242: oh i had that problem too, it's a setting you have to unmark
SilverShine242: Preferences>Display>Tone Mapping and check None. The WL should look brighter. Also you may have the Ambient Occlusion active, i unmarked that too because i couldn't find a good setting for it.