capra hircus
[art] [WIP] [daemons] I'm a bit late to get in on Inktober, but I would still love to be artistically active this month! So have a sketch of Kirigiri and her unnamed caracal!
capra hircus
Got the idea from my friend August, btw!
capra hircus
I also agree with her ideas of Makoto having a small dog, Togami having a grumpy rodent, and Junko having a mink!
Oh my god
Ishimaru should have a doberman
capra hircus
SugarPlumFairy : That would sound interesting, especially 'cause of Mondo!
capra hircus
But if you ask me, he gots a swan.
capra hircus
Very orderly and elegant, but also super fiery and passionate. Will FUCK YOUR SHIT RIGHT UP if you threaten a swan's mate or babies.
It Kissmas
capra hircus