Goose Botherer
Goose Botherer
make a bunch of housekeeping emails for tutoring gigs
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- missy, fives, and newt for high priorty port plot backtags
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- tag-ins for Sam (eeee), Missy, Iris (x2), Rhys?
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- do my AC
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- other ?? things??
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Eventually as I wrap up port stuff: Matt, Harry, and Tris checking in on Jedao at some point. which maybe I should just make a post for?
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jedao apologizing awkwardly to newt
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oh shobogan it's your turn in the checking-Jedao's-brain thread I believe, if you're still up for that?
i definitely am!
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Goose Botherer
thanks <3
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most of those tag-ins
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also I'm really proud of the phrase "the quality of quietly intense energy common to unstable equilibria"
as you should be
Jedao still sticking mostly to his room or other hidey-holes, and not going to the greenhouse in the mornings with Fives?
Goose Botherer
yes correct
cool, guess he'll start training in that time instead. He definitely doesn't want to go to the greenhouse alone
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if Fives said that Jedao might make an effort to come occasionally
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he wouldn't get a lot of work done and he wouldn't be totally comfortable but he'd maybe sit near Fives and slowly pull all the leaves off one already uprooted weed
He's trying to be good, and just be steady and solid and do whatever it is Jedao needs from him (absent leaving him alone, he can't make himself leave him alone, even if being around all the time w/Jedao not being willing to even touch him and being depressed and miserable and not taking care of himself is horrible), so he might ask if he wants to go
occasionally, but he won't say anything if/when he says no
just go do his thing, come back with food, go do what he has to in maintenance, come back with food... ask if he can maybe bring him some books or something... read to him or ramble at him if he's being silent and tolerates it, or whatever else Jedao might want/let him do
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Jedao does, like, get Some Benefit from green things and fake sunshine once he's talked himself into dragging out their "for Fives' sake"
I'm sure he's going to want to ask him/talk to him about the heart thing after the port, but... need to see how the heart thing goes before doing that
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ALSO just for the record there was probably Some Improvement post-port
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he's not in a GOOD place but he's more responsive and more...stable
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and the aftermath of Fives putting the heart back in would definitely include some validation/confirmation that Fives was right to do it and Jedao needed it
that will help
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maybe even a Couple Touches/clingy hug although they wouldn't last very long
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port threads finally
psst, Immolation Fox Jedao still owes Fives
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I'm holding that one until I've got a little farther with Fives and the heart, if that's okay?
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mmmmmm that's a good icon
I am totally gonna bother jedao with matt, this week has just been nuts but by tonight or tomorrow it should be under control XDb
Goose Botherer
No worries! This week has been insane for me too, I've been doing these trackers bc I'll lose everything otherwise
Heh, makes sense. It is definitely on my radar, though! Matt wouldn't just leave him too long