Puzzling. The quasinephew just went to put Piston's harness on him, to take him outside, and Piston flat out snapped at him. Since Piston was also standing on me at the time, he was swatted, growled at and had his muzzled clamped shut while the harness was affixed. At least it's a shorter work interruption than me taking them out by myself.

why Piston finds it so objectionable when someone other than me does it, and whether he'd try the same nonsense if Myfi put the harness on.

I wondered if Junior had perhaps accidentally pinched him while putting the harness on in the past.

And in related news, it is still in the upper 30s F - how long do you want to keep your unacclimated dogs outside? (Esp. Sparkplug)

jumps at the opportunity to post this:


Ads for which have been appearing all over for some reason. I don't even shop for cat things online.

[laughs] I love it!

Chewy has a couple models, much less expensively than anywhere else - I'm just wondering whether Sparkplug's a S or M:
Dog Helios Blizzard Full-Bodied Reflective Dog Jacke...

[exclaims] Piston's some kind of worked up today! He just got into a growling match with Annie (his boss), then when I grabbed him punitively actually snapped at me! No broken skin, but it itches.

I finally got my point across to him. \/^^^^\/

That is a really awesome dog cover. And it does get That Cold here sometimes (i.e., WELL below zero) for air temps, not even including ice and wind chills.

fretwerk: He finally calmed down, but I've no idea what set him off so badly.