classes to teach and then a committee meeting this evening to sort out some of the pre-term stuff which should have been sorted last June.
it's far too late to be making most of the decisions, lots of balls have been dropped, deadlines have been missed and I've been the only person left juggling for much of the time.
things might well have been going more smoothly if I was the only person running this club instead of struggling to get the others to do their jobs (which takes much longer and is less reliable than just doing their jobs for them).
it’s a matter of succession planning. If you did it all and then had to stop, the club would collapse.
aware of this. The committee meeting was ridiulously long and stupid though - because so little succession planning has been happening as we go along so half the people present haven't the remotest clue how the club is run at all and also which arguments have been round and round in circles before.