Friend asked "movies that women just don't get" there were a lot of replies and I said I can't speak for all girls but I don't get Deathrace 2000, Fasttimes at Ridgemont High, Full Metal Jacket, and Armageddon
Which is ironic because my Dad thought for sure there was no way I would get/like Rocky Horror Picture Show and since I always liked Mad Max he figured I'd love Deathrace 2000
so Anyone who wants to torture themselves with "What if Trump was able to lock up the Senate and declare himself Caesar of the US and distract America with gory NASCAR" chime in
Well the general picks people suggested were Bladerunner 2049 which was smacked down because a LOT of women were like "No we love this shhhhh shhh" Fight Club (ditto), Saving Private Ryan, To Kill a Mockingbird (me: WRITTEN BY A WOMAN?!?! -- but the guy was saying it's harder for women to understand intimately the fear of being railroaded for
like, I mean...I was pondering "okay, maybe it's more of a 'women and men are culturally acclimated/raised slightly differently from each other so maybe a women just won't get something' related to that...
(like, I can see now how 'toxic' it is b/c it was playing up the crazy-bitch stereotype slightly, and how Raj was acting like's still kind of funny to me...)
I mean the most I coul dthink of is the stereotypical one where he's playing with the horses and the girls are all admiring, and the guys are all "wow, women just love horses right?" -_-
I had no one to rescue me and my Dad tried to teach me how to fight back and I didn't want to, but both my parents raised me to be protective ESPECIALLY of my siblings so basically the one thing that always pushes me into a fight is Moosey getting hurt then I kick all the things (including my parents as needed oops)
(Mom's view of being a parent, is that it is her job to protect the child. And part of that job means teaching them how to survive on their own and navigate the world.)
wrt: Full Metal Jacket, I found it too heavy-handed propaganda about how terrible the Vietnam war, the military, and dehumanizing both are. 8| TO MY AMUSEMENT apparently a lot of the guys like it because it's so extreme??? Kyle could tell you better (it's one of his faves)
Fasttimes at Ridgemont High is like... if Grease ramped up ONLY the sex and gross parts, took out the songs and made it very 80s. The only part I found remotely amusing was the mooning. I do not GET the ENTIRE fast food stuff and again, I think it's because I'm a girl tbfh.
Armageddon prooooooooooooooobably not because I'm a girl, because my Dad and I were both like "DEEP IMPACT WAS BETTER STUPID MICHAEL BAY" (and Kyle!) and my mom thought Armageddon was super emotionally touching??? buuuuut moooostly I've known more guys to like it??? /SHRUG
And then Deathrace 2000 I said I overthink it. A fan of it insists it cannot be overthought because you are meant to ask the questions I did but they do not have answers and that bothers me o_o
OH and re: Bladerunner 2049, so while I would not call it a movie for women, it DOES have a LOT of scenery porn -> scenery porn IS a more women thing. THOUGH it is also a common thing in the better James Bonds so psssh
^ But that also goes back to "male gaze" which is not "whatever is a woman being sexually on display" but rather a specific film term for zooming in unrealistically (ie: specifically beyond what the human eye alone can do without cameras) and forcing the viewer to VIEW/gaze women's/actresses bodies as through the eyes of a man without the pull back to allow
-> scenery porn is all about having so much to take in you aren't solely focused on the action and indeed, aren't zoomed in to just sexual whatever etc.
if I come out of Deathrace 2000 all "fucking hell, Trump is President and my Dad was right about everything" I WILL cry. I hate when he's right about stupid shit like this.
i mean i can kind of see the premise of the question but I'd think of it in an unflattering if you make some 'us poor men we are so oppressed by evil women' movie and it doesn't have any cool action women can have fun with anyway most women would probably just roll their eyes at it. but then them not getting it is a bad movie thing not a women thing
"girls are girls and don't get why we love this movie"
My Mom:
>> I come by it very honestly.)
never stopconversely I know way more conservative Christians who ADORE the Birdcage. So. There's that