papermint tiger
[Bleach] i'm watching the LA

papermint tiger
I won't be able to finish it but i'm starting it

papermint tiger
The opening is super cool

papermint tiger
Damn he's tall

papermint tiger
Too fucking funny omg

papermint tiger

papermint tiger
I always did love his dad

papermint tiger
Oooh that was well done

papermint tiger
The cgi seems to be very good

papermint tiger
I always forget how stupidly big his sword is

papermint tiger
Ichigo you can't just say crap like that

papermint tiger
Return of the awful drawings!

papermint tiger
30 mins in and Renji's already here...i guess that makes sense i'm just not used to Bleach moving so fast

papermint tiger
the Renji actor is just. Ugh. So good

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there's no way i'm biased at all, of course

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i love how his dad can be like... well, like he is, and then he can be so sweet

papermint tiger
...i definitely need to rewatch the original anime

papermint tiger
i always forget how good the first bit of it is

papermint tiger
okay gotta go to work... timestamp 53:53

papermint tiger
also i love that he just knows where Ishida is, despite never having spoken to him before their showdown on the roof