some in-game skill noodling for Pinya, specifically Bardsong and Siren Song, and how it could apply ( possible game breaking, anyone?)
This is almost completely self indulgent but hey ho
So she's going to learn All Soul's Rest first, mostly because with the burden that she bears, with the guilt of a hundred lives lost in her care, she can't not.
Sunny Deerlight
/shuffles in to nest
And while this will take a little while for her to learn, it won't be that long, (Hi Babe!), and she's going to start to mash up her three separate styles of performance into something very, very new
Siren Song is a very direct effect, it changes the world physically, and you can feel it with your 5 normal senses. It affects what already is. Performance magic creates from thin air, and can bolster, but only for as long as one is performing.
Now bardic magic, that's the skill of using your voice to pull at the very fibres of beings, of 'buffs and debuffs'
Song has a particular power if ffxiv, in which it it becomes a living history
'minstrel' s ballad' is how we mechanically access the primal fights again and again and again, now, hear me out
Using all three, Pinya could summon a Primal. Without the use of Aether and without the worry of tempering because although its 'real' its also her creation.
Now, point, if she's working together with someone else cough, alcuin, cough what could both of those people achieve?
Performance magic to create, bardson to sustain, to flesh, siren Song to solidify
Helluva Bix
gdi pinya
This doesn't work for just primals though, hear me out.
Helluva Bix
I mean, on one hand, it's one way for Seifer to get new GF's in theory. On the other hand THIS IS A POOR PLAN.
If she really, really wanted to fuck with people, or get a rise out of their captors... She could create a false Arcana
Sunny Deerlight
Alcuin's extra special, too, because his Siren song is 3x as powerful as any other Siren. (Plot role skill he took).
Helluva Bix
.......do it
Sunny Deerlight
The hard part will be convincing him to do this.
It is also a lot about belief. Like, a lot a lot about belief.
I doubt she'd actually want to force him to do anything, this is pure speculation on my behalf
Sunny Deerlight
Yep! I wasn't expecting force. But it's definitely an option!
And so, the thing about is a belief is you just have to get people open to the idea. Possibly, very possibly, with enough teamwork, they could work together to create a space completely in dependant from the Arcana.
Sunny Deerlight
...Now that would be something he's interested in.
Now, I'm not savvy enough with the background of the game to know these answers, but you see, Pinya's echo? It's a lie detector. It's not worked so great inside liminal, because reality, 'truth', is subjective to these arcana
But, create a space that isn't theirs? Is a forcefield kept out? Ask the right questions and they'll come out true or false.
Anyway I like to plot game-breaking mechanics a little bit, and frankly she's totally seen people fretting about whether or not the game actually does pause time or not in their native universes
Also, whether or not the endgame they think is going to happen is actually going to happen
I give it like, a minute tops before they can't keep it up and the Arcana fucking gun for Pinya, but it would be totally worth it
Helluva Bix
lets fuckin' go
A minute to ask all the questions they've been so desperate for.
Sunny Deerlight
You'll definitely have to check with the mods to see if this is something they're okay with handling, but it would be amazing.
Now see, this is why I'm trying to get pinya invested in the actual plot of the Game, because she hates hates hates not knowing what's going on. She's an intelligence agent, and she can't staaaand it
Oh yeah absolutely! This is very much infancy stages right now, but after following what's happened with Barry in the floor, she's starting to tick
'this is a space that isn't liminal, and we' re not supposed to be there, but we can also get there'
So obviously Pinya's next logical thought is "how much do I have to accelerate on the spot to get enough of gh momentum to clip out of bounds" ie, how much faith can she collect for a small song-powered black hole.
Addendum: WoL's are canonically known to just make shit happen by any batshit circumstances
Sunny Deerlight
klsjfelk amazinb
So anyway, when y'all want to break this shit open, you've got an option to come to
It will start small, you know? Seeing how she can warp liminal without having all the predecessing powrts
.... Wait wait wait wai twaitWAIT
.... With enough faith and song power, do you think the travellers would be able to alter the memory of an arcana?
That would be some risky fucking shit but could you imagine
Sunny Deerlight
I don't think there's a Song that would do that, so it would have to be based in Bardic music.
Like... Could they give them a taste of their own medicine?
So the way I'm looking at it is like, three components. Performance sets the precedence, the outcome for the spell. Bardic is all the maths and science and strings, Siren Song becomes the faith, the channelling of power
Anyway it is bedtime if u think of things I will let you knoooo