Bixmas Cheer
Illuminant Hunt log and a psychic post and also chatter.
gosh I hope that still goes places :/
I was going to add an "in the ruins" tag too I just keep getting yanked
Bixmas Cheer
I really do too
Bixmas Cheer
Even if im kinda pessimistic at this point. :/
yeah I think the OOC "sorry your Skittles are in another castle" p much put the kibosh on it
Bixmas Cheer
Yeah, well. I didn't want everyone losing their minds.
Bixmas Cheer
That and. Its Malik.
I meant in general, not your note on the post. anyway /leans on
Bixmas Cheer
Yeah, which.... Eh?? Idk, I don't get it tbh
Bixmas Cheer
Its a prime opportunity to get info on a metaplot thing imo
Bixmas Cheer
Also, Malik is having a case of a lack of fucks
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that it's not going anywhere because no one has actually triggered that shitfest by using Memorial Bridge yet.
People have been remarkably not yoloing their way into poking holes between universe's.
PG autocorrect, that is not a possessive.
Bixmas Cheer
I thought it was more the Illuminants doing the thing than travellers?
Beats me. It was a guess bc it was in the same cookie batch as "let's recruit Prometheus, what could possibly go wrong"
Regardless, it might get a little more traction if you, like. Make a network post about it?
BC right now it feels like the only way to know wtf is going on in order to get involved is to have a character who would be invited to the Sekrit Meeting.
Bixmas Cheer
Hmm, maybe yeah. I thought the second half was pretty plainly open but i guess not quite enough
Flash Bastard
With the disclaimer that I'm not sure if any of mine are going to Bando: It does feel awfully closed off for a 'we need to stop this Threat To The Travelers before it explodes on us' mini-plot.
Flash Bastard
The pursuit might be open, but how does anyone who's not a former Illuminant or one of their close friends learn about the pursuit?
it's more of a Threat To The People Of Bando and I think the goal was to bump into infiltrators or some such but those are thin on the ground
Bixmas Cheer
I mean, I'm not sure how much more "hi, ask what these weirdos are doing" it could get?
Bixmas Cheer
I also don't want it to take over everyone's fun either, like... Not everyone wants to engage with anything Illuminant related
Bixmas Cheer
And i was trying for "opt in" instead of "opt out"
It wouldn't be any less opt-in if it was on the network.
Bixmas Cheer
I was also hoping that someone besides me was going to top-level in it? Give folks more than just Malik to approach
Instead of tucked away in its own separate log with no clear way for people who don't already know about the thing to do the thing.
"go to cordoned off area and hope someone who is famously secretive and unsociable will tell you a thing" just isn't all that inviting.
Bixmas Cheer
Neither is someone saying "if you're okay with the possibility of being gruesomely murdered, come talk to me in person" really?
PG there a particular reason to not just say "hey powerful magic threat from another world might be here plz help"?
Or even, like. Give details?
Because to be perfectly honest everything about the way you guys are going about this screams "we don't actually want any of you people involved" to me.
Which is fine if that is, in fact, the case and you want a v small murder club for your snipe hunt.
But kind of counterintuitive if you legit want a bunch of people involved.
Bixmas Cheer
I think something is getting crossed or im just shit at writing mingled.
Bixmas Cheer
AI want to give people the opportunity to engage with this, but its a slightly tricky thing in my head because I don't know how many giant blinking lights pointing at "PLOT HERE, JUST ASK A QUESTION ICLY" i can have before its obnoxious
So give people a clear opportunity to engage.
Bixmas Cheer
The first half is, yes, limited because its the "okay, so we're doing this" before going out and literally not giving a duck about hiding it if anyone even remotely asks
Why would people ask?
The only place there is a chance to know that there are people looking for something other than the things everyone else is looking for is locked.
Flash Bastard
I'd say either the meeting needs to be more open than it is, or there needs to be some kind of interim 'hey, this is a thing, it could get Dangerous but we need to deal with it' announcement.
Flash Bastard
That's still sufficiently opt-in for people who don't want to be involved, but more open for people who do and wouldn't be invited to the meeting.
Like, the reasonable assumption is not "these people who seem to be doing the same thing everyone else is doing are actually doing something else entirely".
People can ignore network posts, and that way there would actually be a reason to engage and a place to discuss the situation.
Flash Bastard
Compare it to the King in Yellow's sigil. Armin was the only one who could lock it down, but until it was gone he regularly did 'tell me if you see this and for the love of everything don't touch it' announcements.
Slash ask questions for folks who haven't been around for enough years icly or oocly to know what am Illuminants.
Bixmas Cheer
Got something up, mostly just rehashing what was going to be said in the meeting.
Bixmas Cheer
I guess im not used to needing a reason to hit up an open plot????
Bixmas Cheer
/edits in psy thing
Cow Titans!?
If you want, since Eren was going to stay in Liminal anyway, when I sit down to really get to tagging later I can have Eren standing outside the portal to warn people "hey, there might be really strong mages over there, we're still checking, watch your back." Then people have another way to stumble into it?
Flash Bastard
I don't think there's an Obvious Portal this time, Raven.
Flash Bastard
It's a good idea, but Matt set this mingle up differently to the first one.
Cow Titans!?
Ah, well. It was a thought.
Bixmas Cheer
it's one of those "if you swim up" situations