Also: My deepest apologies, irl circumstances made me (Kira) fall totally off the mod train these past weeks and I completely forgot about pride week. It should be going up tomorrow, if not feel free to kick me.
(And I am so frazzled that I forgot that this apology wasn't why I opened the mod account... but the notice about the AC. Which is also late, I realise, sorry.)
Those who have me on their timeline probably know what the irl circumstances are. It's slowly clearing up now I think? So I should start to be a reliable mod again soon.
If anyone has issues with AC due to the lack of pride week, please talk to me and we can perhaps extend August a few days into September for AC purposes.
r💀ll them b💀nes
I don't currently have plans for the weekend, so I'll be around for helping boomerang a few people.
r💀ll them b💀nes
A quick question on AC: when we write a top-level to an event log, and multiple people tag it, how do we get the tag count of the thread? Do we include the top-level in the first reply's count?
I think we include toplevels once.
r💀ll them b💀nes
Oh, for sure. I'm just spoiled by going "This event top level, players A, B, C, with X comments" rather than listing them player by player
r💀ll them b💀nes
I'll go with that, and if it's not right, I can always fix it!
r💀ll them b💀nes
Thank you o/