You can't post right now 關閉 You may have used Facebook in a way that our systems consider unusual, even if you didn't mean to.You can post again in 23 hours. ------------------- 那天我看到一堆五毛在蔡英文直播臉書中盧,我寫了歡迎426翻牆參與我國總統的外交直播,然後就被檢舉仇恨發言了,真的是很支璃破碎耶
You can't post right now 關閉 You may have used Facebook in a way that our systems consider unusual, even if you didn't mean to.You can post again in 16 mins. Learn More
You may have used Facebook in a way that our systems consider unusual, even if you didn't mean to.You can post again in 23 hours.
You may have used Facebook in a way that our systems consider unusual, even if you didn't mean to.You can post again in 16 mins.
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