I realize it's a cultural thing, and that I should be tolerant and accepting BUT in an enclosed cube farm PLEASE use deodorant. Good gods I'm 2 cubes away and I can smell him.
That is a delicate subject (even if the odor is indelicate). You should drop a discrete line to HR, if they aren’t complete ogres. Maybe they can address the problem without risking co-worker friction.
I just might. Holy cow. My eyes were watering.
I remember one of my first trips to Europe, being in a small hotel elevator with a large number of Europeans from nations with different standards of artificial odor suppression… hoooooo-eey, it was an education.
hangs a bunch of car freshener trees around their cube
I've seen those posts of people who don't think their hair needs to be washed EVER... uuum hello...
(unsure face) y'all stink. And it doesn't matter how many layers of clothing y'all have on, the odor sneaks out around the edges. For the Love of Humanity People! A little soap and water PLEASE!!
So insensitive, tsk tsk. You should learn to embrace the natural pungent aroma of the human body. Love it, breathe it in, bathe it in, liiickkk iiittt
Yuck. I have zero patience for that shit.