[RL/Mute] So... I can't open the windows, at all. The air quality is so crappy that even healthy people will get affected because wildfire smoke.
at least it's not stupid hot but come on
Do you even have AC in your land of the North?
public places have it, some residential areas come with it but mine doesn't. I have a portable unit BUT... It'd require an open window and I don't know if my air conditioner has an air filter
if it doesn't get much hotter outside it'll be okay, and with the smoke the way it is it might keep it from getting too too hot
(like seriously we can't see the sky at all right now, the smoke is THAT bad)
but right now for Canada's air quality index, where there's 0 risk, 1-3 low risk, 4-6 medium, 7-10 high, and 10+ very high risk... Today. 10+. Tomorrow. 10. Possibly 10+.
(this is for my immediate area BUT STILL. I'm a normally healthy person and this is hurting my lungs. it's that bad)
of course this could be because I'm more sensitive than average to these conditions, not a high risk but moderate risk individual most likely. I don't have pre-existing breathing/heart conditions (that I know of) but it still caused a little bit of chest pain and some coughing this morning.
small blessings are that my apartment is actually at a decent temperature right now. So I don't need to open the doors/windows
also I've spent quite a bit of time in my car today. My friend missed the bus to work, and rather than dropping her off at the train station I drove her all the way to work because she's asthmatic and I got worried
Ug. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope the air clears up for you, soon. We're under an air-advisory/warning here, too, because of the wildfires...
yeah... it sucks x_x;
uftaki hang in there and be careful
[hugs] Thanks. You too.
well, she's gonna be chilling over here tonight at least. I can ask her if she wants subway since I know I'll be picking it up for dinner, she's going to be de-catting some stuff over here and we're gonna watch a horror movie together.
it's weird. I'm jumpy just in general, but if there's an element of "this can never fucking happen" in the real world (IE the dead coming back to life for zombies or something paranormal) I can separate it from reality. It might cause nightmares occasionally, but it's nothing I can't handle and most times gore doesn't bother me
(her girlfriend is allergic to cats and she wants to keep the blankets, so lint rollers and de-catting ahoy)