Pumpqueen Fall
insert fandom, get one favorite thing, one least favorite and one hope for the future
𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔟𝔬𝔴 𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔞𝔠𝑦~
𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔟𝔬𝔴 𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔞𝔠𝑦~
Streets of Edo
One Piece!
Pumpqueen Fall
-> Favorite: COMPANIONS fans
Least favorite: Moffat fanboys >>; sorry not sorry
Pumpqueen Fall
[GP] -> Favorite = Carver (shocking right)
Least Favorite: Beth \:|/
Hope = I'mma write s2 because I can ?
𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔟𝔬𝔴 𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔞𝔠𝑦~
Pumpqueen Fall
-> Favorite = (thinking) Wow it's so broad hang on Whitebeards. Yes.
Least favorite: (thinking) (thinking) (thinking) "blah blah Oda is sexist" stfu take your gender politics and shove it up your--
Hope = WHITEBEARDS D:< oh and Smoker. yes.
Streets of Edo
do you have a least favourite part of canon itself?
Pumpqueen Fall
(thinking) I feel like Skypiea is actually underdeveloped in comparison to the rest of the world which Mags will probably kill me over, but it was really self-contained and while it had the obvious Mexican / Incan/Peruvian -> Spaniards ties it still lacked some of the feverish / spontaneous inspiration that you see in the rest of the series imo. + Esp. wrt
Pumpqueen Fall
Enel. There was an attempt for a message about god/emperors/might =/= right but it didn't play out as well as with Doflamingo because the lightning vs. rubber thing is cool but it did have a sort of feel like Oda had to pull back his own punches, wasn't really cutting loose on what he truly wanted
Streets of Edo
Hmm, interesting. You may well be right
Pumpqueen Fall
I mean even at the end, the whole reason Luffy doesn't kill is because he stops people's dreams (or helps them) but Enel still got to go to the moon and didn't really suffer repercussions (unsure)
Pumpqueen Fall
Even the uniting of the two factions had a very Alabasta redux feel rather than getting to be its won thing
Pumpqueen Fall
*own thing
Streets of Edo
Good points
Streets of Edo
I liked Skypiea as this mostly-unknown legendary thing, so I was disappointed when it turned out that sound dials are actually well-known on the Grand Line and mass-produced, which means there's lots of regular trade with other Sky Islands at least, if not perhaps so much Skypiea itself. But that's a different aspect of it
Pumpqueen Fall
(LOL) Yeah I NEVER understood why they were like "YOU CAN'T GO TO THE SKY STUPID PIRATE" except for as a showcase of bullies -> but like they straight up said there's two ways to go to the White Sea
Streets of Edo
I do feel that the sense of joyous exploration and wonder of entirely new things along with a strong undercurrent of tension and danger was particularly strong in the early Skypiea chapters. but the more it got into the regular action thing, the more it lost that
Pumpqueen Fall
one is all or nothing, the other you WILL LOSE SOMEONE
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
I kind of found the test of balls/string/etc. funny but not really
𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔟𝔬𝔴 𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔞𝔠𝑦~
I mean they also say
Pumpqueen Fall
it falls short imo compared to even just Little Garden or Water 7
𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔟𝔬𝔴 𝔭𝔦𝔯𝔞𝔠𝑦~
you can't go to the grand line but
Streets of Edo
oops, that shouldn't have been struck out above, i messed up my formatting
Pumpqueen Fall
Yes exactly
Pumpqueen Fall
So it was basically you know
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
And I thought people taking that as face value were more silly than not
Pumpqueen Fall
Oh man you know what though?
Pumpqueen Fall
I love movie 7
Pumpqueen Fall
so much
Streets of Edo
yeah, but I don't mind that, it made sense that inexperienced people in East Blue wouldn't know better. But for Skypiea I really liked the feeling that the Strawhats had accomplished something rare and that the small haul of dials that Usopp brought back was a minor treasure, instead of turning out to be ho-hum and commonplace.
Streets of Edo
I never saw movie 7!
Pumpqueen Fall
Well the difference is
Streets of Edo
elaborate on movie 7 if you want
Pumpqueen Fall
Usopp used them in ways no one else thought to
Pumpqueen Fall
it's like the devil fruits
Pumpqueen Fall
you can have a super "powerful" one but if you aren't creative, it's not really impressive at all (vander decken)
Pumpqueen Fall
but even RUBBER is really crazy in the right hands
Streets of Edo
very true
Pumpqueen Fall
I'm not sure you'd like it, but Movie 7 is about a treasure map and an island turtle
Pumpqueen Fall
it's all the things One Piece should be (LOL)
Pumpqueen Fall
Same with Usopp and his plants ;-)
Pumpqueen Fall
That's why I LIKE Usopp
Pumpqueen Fall
because like he said from the start with making Nami's weapon
Pumpqueen Fall
They can't keep up with the monsters on pure physical strength, so they have to be super clever and trick people with their literal weakness so they get underestimated (LOL)
Streets of Edo
i've only watched two One Piece movies, 6 and 10 (I tried 4 but couldn't get into it). but i might like movie 7, I don't know...
Pumpqueen Fall
4 is dumb
Pumpqueen Fall
I hated 6 >>
Streets of Edo
yes, and that's why their fights can be so fun and creative
Pumpqueen Fall
Streets of Edo
4 seems to have a lot of fans though, I did wonder if it was only because Usopp didn't seem to get much to do that it couldn't click with me. I can be pretty biased that way!
Pumpqueen Fall
4 is the race?
Pumpqueen Fall
Yeah it's kind of
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
I liked some of the scenes, the early stuff they pulled off a very Pirates of the Caribbean atmosphere BEFORE the PotC movies so props for that
Streets of Edo
Pumpqueen Fall
but it was a bit of a replay of Whiskey Peaks meets Aisa's arc (filler) meets G8 (filler) with G8 being better (LOL)
Pumpqueen Fall
and a dash of Foxy but again, with Davy Back being better (LOL)
Pumpqueen Fall
5 is Zoro's movie (almost no Usopp either)
Streets of Edo
G8 is such a good filler arc
Pumpqueen Fall
but the first movie you should consider. It has a lot of Usopp because it's before Sanji even showed up so Usopp gets to do... OH SO MUCH (LOL) + it has Zoro chained up to Luffy fighting a swordfight with just his mouth :| AS YOU DO :||||||
Pumpqueen Fall
It's very silly (LOL)
Pumpqueen Fall
though it has one of my favorite lines
Pumpqueen Fall
because it's something only my kid brother (Luffy-bro) would say
Streets of Edo
is that the one that was made before there even was a regular anime?
Pumpqueen Fall
and do
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
No I think there was already some released, but it was only up to the Baratie in the anime so they didn't want to spoiler and have Sanji there
Pumpqueen Fall
even though Sanji is a huge attraction
Pumpqueen Fall
yeah because up to Gaimon even was out in the manga
Pumpqueen Fall
OH! The first tv special is also neat~~
Pumpqueen Fall
And has Luffy trying to eat a treasure chest :|
Streets of Edo
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
There are so many movies idek what I have and haven't watched hahaha
Pumpqueen Fall
You know how some kids get obsessed with trying to flush dumb things down the toilet?
Pumpqueen Fall
Baby bro and coins
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Wishing wells/fountains so SURE WHY NOT
Pumpqueen Fall
but he has tried to eat things that should not be eaten and we were just "..... what the actual fuck"
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Wait is this One Piece or real life?
Is trying to catch up on the discussion but there's so much of it
Pumpqueen Fall
^ My youngest brother we call Luffy
Pumpqueen Fall
Because his nickname was monkey as a kid
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
And he's so much life Luffy my entire family reads/watches One Piece like "The adventures of [Luffy-bro] if he was a pirate (thinking)"
Pumpqueen Fall
Streets of Edo
so can Luffy!
Streets of Edo
esp. intuitive
Pumpqueen Fall
OTOH He is also an idiot, can be annoyingly pedantic, and would 10000000000% eat boogie powder
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
He was 7 when the manga first came out and and my Mom wouldn't let me get it for him until he was 13 (LOL)
Streets of Edo
Pumpqueen Fall
Don't give him any ideas haha
Pumpqueen Fall
WE WERE LIKE "This is totally about him O_o"
Pumpqueen Fall
Yeah he starts off stabbing under his eye to prove he can be taken out to sea
Pumpqueen Fall
my Mom was like "gdi you know he would try it"
Pumpqueen Fall
tbf my husband is like Ace, and basically did dumb shit like that as a kid too oops
Streets of Edo
but it didn't work for Luffy!
Streets of Edo
Shanks still just laughed at him
Pumpqueen Fall