jake apologist
things to think about: Dwight as a magical girl
yes good i’m listening
jake apologist
the question is, madoka or sailor moon style?
def madoka
Roadkill Lizard
i am here hello
jake apologist
okay I haven't seen much of madoka but based off what I know oh boy
CP Coulter
Dwight and Sailormoon henshin? HELL YEAH
Roadkill Lizard
I mean i’ve drawn dwight with enough shojo sparkles so my opinion is evident
CP Coulter
Roadkill Lizard : Have you also tried imagining how the underclassmen will see him next year (BEFORE he talks? XD)? Is it like that shoujo manga thing where theres a freeze frame with elaborate flowers/roses in the edges and a soft lighting and fluttering petals XDDDDDDDD
Roadkill Lizard
CP Coulter : i’m just thinking of Tamaki Suoh right now (plot twist y’all) in terms of BEAUTIFUL, but an idiot.
And yes, I have considered it. Multiple times.
Roadkill Lizard
But also Cardcaptors magical girl style.
Aka Todd as Tomoyo just recording it all for posterity. Filming is a type of journalism. Lol
CP Coulter
Biggest fan XD