Random stray thoughts ahoy in here. (also Season 5-6-ish spoilers now)
I'm actually kinda sad that Lance didn't see the first kiss under mistletoe as a memorie and instead saw exploding dicks. Re-reading that thread, Lance woul've seen/felt that A.) Keith has absolutely nothing to worry about kissing wise, and B.) Adela is freaking scary when she's pissed off
because wow did she ever go off at Franky and Keith (LOL) more at Franky than at Keith but boyfriend didn't get away scot-free either
she's not nearly as volatile in her own world as she can be whenever I AU her but it is still there
also if Keith figures out the Galra transformation Adela is going to take 100% advantage of it (yay soft ears!). It seems like a vast majority of the time she's initiating any physical affection anyway so that's really not a shock
and just... GDI Robin shitposting with Krolia on TFLN to Adela just makes me that much more sad that there aren't any Krolias out ther to enable into Wake (LOL) the one time when you WANT a character's mom in on things.
Wild Child
what? :-P Do you not want Krolia there too
Wild Child
Someone else to troll Keith? Of course I do
... lol I'm just imagining the amount of freaking out from Adela if/when she appears too, especially if she encounters Krolia before she knows she's Keith's mom. It would be a big moment of "oh shit" followed by flailing because oh nehra what if she was accidentally really rude or crass and this is Keith's mom HOW IS SHE SUPPOSED TO ACT