Some Worry About Judicial Nominee’s Ties to a Religi...
you know, I try not to judge other people's religious beliefs (and let's be honest, fail miserably) but omfg if someone wanted me to join a sect where they'd call me "handmaid" I'd be like, no fucking way.
well, honestly I'd probably be very polite, like that time my Mormon neighbor invited me to a quilt making social circle at her church and in my head I was like I REFUSE TO JOIN A RELIGION WHERE A WOMAN'S WORTH IS BASED ON HOW MANY BABIES SHE HAS but out loud I was like, no thank you, I'm washing my hair that night.
Other Autumn 🍂
Sounds pretty culty to meeeee
MarvelMouse 🐭
How does a career woman, who is a judge ffs, have these kinds of beliefs? It's amazing.
Other Autumn 🍂 : I am suspicious of any religion where you check up on the other people in your group. Like wellness checks and visits for older people is one thing, but like when every single person has to be checked on, yes, suspiciously cult like
MarvelMouse 🐭 : Here's my theory - 1) complete lack of empathy and 2) the Trumpian "This doesn't apply to me" exception rule. Like "I'll vote for Trump even tho my husband is here illegally, I'm sure we'll be the exception and he won't be deported." Or "Even tho I got here on the backs of other women who refused to be subservient to their husbands and
insisted on radical ideas like voting and education, I would have been a judge even then because I'm special like that." Or something like that, is my best guess. But that's a damn valid question.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
I call cult on this Praise group.