My Knee
Takes a moment to appreciate that the weekend is almost here...and cries over the fact that she's gotta work it
My Knee
I'm not complaining about a work-subsidized trip to Louisiana but it would be nice to have a day off before I have to engage Trade Show Mode
My Knee
Where you have to be on all the time
My Knee
I'm Very Interested In Your Products And Your Market Thoughts
My Knee
I mean I guess it's not actually work on Saturday but seven hours of transit sure as shit ain't fun
oh man, are you going to get to eat food while you're there?
My Knee
GGnuary : Yeah! It's the show I went to in Denver four years ago
My Knee
so the actual show is boring (though not as boring as it could be)
My Knee
but the location is excellent
papermint tiger
get you some cajun cooking
My Knee
Heck yes
My Knee
And then I get to visit meowdy , so essentially my job is paying for the flight to visit my friend. So I can't complain too much!
i will make sure u get plenty of cajun cooking
hhh i feel that Always On pain
My Knee
Diane...can we....can we get the po boy sandwich
My Knee
you know the one
My Knee
My Knee
misosoupaddict: I'm not even, like super introverted or anything, but the days get long. The show's basically first thing in the morning and then often there are dinners or evening events.
papermint tiger
yeah no matter how extroverted you are, that long of being in Dealing With People mode is... hard
My Knee
I'm still waiting to find out whether I need to go to something Sunday night but luckily I'm left to my own devices otherwise.
It's trying for everybody