You're Quinner
which of your characters chew their ice and which don't
None of my characters chew their ice because they're not hateful abominations
𝔰𝔲𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔫 𝔯𝔢𝔩𝔢𝔦𝔣𝔢
I can't believe Franky doesn't crunch his ice
You're Quinner
Tetsu crunches his ice
You're Quinner
Faith does not
Princess Emily
all of my characters do
Princess Emily
Every single one
✶ 最愛のFATAL
kyouko lovs the cronch
You're Quinner
Yuka does not lov the cronch
this might be the funniest image I've ever seen
✶ 最愛のFATAL
this is grounds for divorce
What the hell is wrong with you people
(Iron deficiency IIRC)
Beatrice: crunches ice
Rise: does not
Joey: crunches ice
Polly: if she needs to cool down it's more efficient to apply ice externally to her head casing
You're Quinner
but does she crunch ice
You're Quinner
Anna doesn't because it's not cute
l'arachel doesn't because it's inelegant and she throws things at rennac every time he does in her earshot imho
Where Is Harkan
....All the dark haired characters in OP chew their ice and all the light haired characters don't
Where Is Harkan
I guess Chopper doesn't actually have dark hair but he has a dark hat
dozla is free from her wrath over ice crunching though due to who he is as a person
Jailbreak: crunches the ice, but only if someone else is there to hear it and get annoyed at her.
Because she's like that.
Polly doesn't crunch ice because she can't think of a situation where she would need to eat ice at all
Where Is Harkan
Where Is Harkan
Allura: Crunches her ice. Alteans don't process cold the same way humans do
Kohaku: Does not crunch her ice. The texture of it bothers her
Bai Lin: Crunches her ice. You can't let all that water go to WASTE can you?
Leander: Does not crunch his ice
Rafael: Crunches his ice
Amadahy: Crunches her ice
Jun: Crunches his ice
Where Is Harkan
I was going to have Jun not be an ice cruncher but then I remembered that Princess Emily made him and all of her characters are ice crunchers
Princess Emily
that's right
Kazuki: Does not crunch
Kirk: Crunch
Eleanor: Crunch
Zihao: Crunch
Hisashi: no crunch
Gunbrand: crunch
George: no crunch (melts in his mouth)
Lazuri: no crunch
Yakiba: no crunch
✶ 最愛のFATAL
I just realised that erina doesn't usually chew her ice unless she's with someone who hates ice crunching
✶ 最愛のFATAL
at which point she orders a full glass of just ice and crunches the whole thing as loud as possible
shit. that's the answer I'm giving for clover too
Glen: doesn't crunch when in human form, does in mountain lion form
Aya: doesn't crunch so she can overhear things better
Phi: doesn't crunch
Ein: doesn't crunch due to slight weakness to ice damage
✶ 最愛のFATAL
Courtney clover and erina would be best friends y/y
Jesse: no Crunch
Nocebo: No crunch except when she wants to be annoying
Ru-Nau: no crunch
Nana: Crunchy, but who can afford ice?
Tsutsumi: doesn't crunch, judges you very hard if you do and are a ninja
either best friends or they'd kill each other in a day
✶ 最愛のFATAL
por que no los dos
mae crunches ice really loudly and obnoxiously without even trying to, unless you point it out, and then she is DEFINITELY trying to from there on out
Karoline crunches all day and night.
El Panthers does not crunch. Unless it would be dramatically appropriate to crunch.
*El Pantera