Mrs Sheepie
I/O tower siege plotting plurk now that we have new information!
Mrs Sheepie
Lampy Cerise ♢ Tapired Airdra Blue Emus therealbliss I think are all in the Experimental Tower?
Mrs Sheepie
levelthreehooligan Bixmas Cheer are in the Control Tower and cacopheny is... outside?
Mrs Sheepie
bc I realised if everyone puts up an actually half decent defence during the first wave, all these poor nerds are gonna get fucked up when they're outnumbered four to one
\o/ hello friends! 1 terrified glitchy Crypto reporting in! He's going to be trying to get things hooked up to power again if he has to jury rig a temporary power supply out of lightcycles and bits.
R1DK will be fighting :-P a lot. I am considering the possibility of using constructive enlightenment for battle, to counter the grey's precision/stamina, but have not asked the mods yet
most of you programs need to stay inside. all the exits should be solidly barred, leaving only one potential entrance so they can bottleneck the greys in one place where only a handful of fighters/backup support can control the onslaught
also, gowawa though she does not get pings, probably Vilari/V1RG0 will be there, since R1DK and PHLP is
Blue Emus
I'm still hoping I can find a grey willing to have MATH-U System Crash them, but idk if I am going to get a volunteer for that yet
so he won't be alone prolly
Blue Emus
but MATH-U will be glitching during at least one of the attacks. you know. just to make things difficult XD
Mrs Sheepie
BAR-3's gonna blast em with Redirected Energy where he can
good yes do that scary science man
just make sure none of the good guys are in range :|
Blue Emus
...actually. on redirected energy...where will the energy come from?
Blue Emus
like, if there's a blackout, where do they get the power?
During those quiet cycles, people could go get munitions and things from the Vault in Taurus, too.
Mrs Sheepie
oh right, the towers are offline during the attacks, aren't they
Blue Emus
I think so?
Blue Emus
they probably do need some munitions, yeah
Blue Emus
as it is Gemini's probably hopelessly underpowered
Blue Emus
all the Defenders and weapons and defences and whatnot are in Taurus and Aries
Mrs Sheepie
At the very least, they can hold the fort through the first wave, then go and arm up between that and the second maybe?
Blue Emus
seems like a plan
Blue Emus
the first wave is probably going to be pretty chaotic - I mean, they won't know it's coming
Blue Emus
everyone won't necessarily be in the Tower at the time
Mrs Sheepie
And if ARC succeeds in bringing back data, we may be able to Creative Enlightenment build the shit out of some generators or power supplies to hook up during the attacks to provide power. I'm asking the mods on that.
sailor bii
sailor bii
i am here
Cerise ♢
Cerise ♢
Thinking about how TATSU's gonna handle this, yeah...
sailor bii
meanwhile, THORN-E has learned something interesting from her Frankensignifier
sailor bii
basically, this has all happened before
sailor bii
It will remember massive power outages and swarms of grey Programs making hit and fade attacks that never directly de-rez anyone. Every last component of this Program de-rezzed when power outages caused equipment failures - none were killed in combat.
Mrs Sheepie
oh snap
sailor bii
Cerise ♢
sailor bii
I'm so glad she built a Frankensignifier
Mrs Sheepie
it's such a good
Cerise ♢
Good use of mad science.
Mrs Sheepie
best abomination
so the question is... what do they want and why
sailor bii
that is totally a good question
Cerise ♢
I think TATSU can do inter-program communication stuff even with the power down, but that's just me guessing from "Kanji's Navigation Persona".
Mrs Sheepie
...I wonder if the grey programs stay grey when they're derezzed, or if they go back to normal
Cerise ♢
He can fight if needs be, or help set up traps?
Cerise ♢
... hmm.
sailor bii
traps could be a good thing
Traps could be a huge thing to help them survive the second wave.
sailor bii
Mrs Sheepie
yessss, definitely
Mrs Sheepie
sailor bii
THORN-E will help with the traps
Cerise ♢
I'm just vaguely spitballing out of "I just woke up and ideas?". XD
Cerise ♢
Fight like nerds! Fight smart!
sailor bii
also, once I get my top-level up, there's going to be a bit where she's yelling about how this has all happened before
Mrs Sheepie
Mrs Sheepie
I am Not Sure for Barry yet, haha
Bixmas Cheer
Malik's doing his thing before the attacks, so I have no idea what state he's going to be in during the attack(s)
Blue Emus
MATH-U can probably help with traps, when he's not glitching / attempting to contact Users
Blue Emus
...oh yeah, and I figure he can also use Redirect Energy? so if there is any energy to pull from, he can probably use that as a weapon
Blue Emus
...but largely he is probably going to be The Load
Bixmas Cheer
Malik could theoretically act as a power generator? He's got electric attacks from Atma
sailor bii
excellent. protect Matthew Tower
sailor bii
i know it's control but in my heart it's Matthew
Mrs Sheepie
that is excellent
Blue Emus
hey as far as I'm concerned they should totally rename these MATH-U and THORN-E Towers :-P
Cerise ♢
Someone duct tape some wires to Auriel. XD
sailor bii
stick a plug in him
Blue Emus
would Malik even need anyone else redirecting energy tho? I mean, Malik is pretty OP.
Mrs Sheepie
we could almost make a log with how much is going on with just the two towers
Blue Emus
I imagine he can electrocute people well enough on his own XD
Blue Emus
Possibly? but idk, it might be better to have it just in the main mingle
Depends on if he's focusing on using it to power something.
Blue Emus
since other characters might still make their way there
If he's powering something, he might not have the ability to keep doing that AND zap enemies.
Mrs Sheepie
true true
Mrs Sheepie
on both comments, haha
Blue Emus
we can always keep log posts for anything really specific happening?
Mrs Sheepie
yeah, esp when most of them involve just running and zapping rn, haha
Bixmas Cheer
I mean. He'll have to uh.... eat the bodies.
Bixmas Cheer
but he can probably keep going for a while in Atma Form
/watches PHLP get annoyed
Mrs Sheepie
it's a good thing we're NPC-ing most of the greys then, haha
Bixmas Cheer
Cerise ♢
Man, anonymous Trojans can't be that filling. No taste.
Bixmas Cheer
better than a rampaging atma demon loose
Cerise ♢
Very true.
sailor bii
maybe they taste like horsemeat
Cerise ♢
sailor bii
okay. hm. it's not unreasonable to have a bit that can also be a microphone, is it?
That seems like a neat idea!
Also, Dakki is available to help drive out that first unexpected wave, as she can actually fight.
Traps aren't as much her thing, but she can at least pitch in.
Cerise ♢
Good stuff~ :-D
sailor bii
Dakki can also help let the Travelers know this happened before
sailor bii
once I get THORN-E's top-level up
Mrs Sheepie
I'm enjoying that she's the info-passer-onner.
Cerise ♢
Go Dakki go~
Mrs Sheepie
the most useful!
late to the plurk because I just woke up, but S3NT0 is going to try to fight if he has to, he probably is not going to be very good at it, sob
R1DK says don't fight if it's not in your programming, you'll do more harm than good while the fighters protect/rescue you. work on traps, and bring ammo+fuel for the fighters, and do repairs on the ones built for fighting during breaks :|
unless you have redirect energy and a source of power, for blasting, or some kind of long-ranged weaponry, just be support
/is awake now finally, catching up on shit...
Melissa will also be around to help defend the towers.
PHLP is not going to be on the front lines, but he can defend himself if need be.
he should probably be mostly working on traps too though. :-P
PHLP is not going anywhere near the actual battle if R1DK has anything to say about it. he loves you, kiddo, you are not to endanger yourself needlessly
traps are fine tho :-P
Cerise ♢
Awwww. XD
XDD awww R1DK.
Cerise ♢
(Given last time TATSU picked a fight he ended up purple for his trouble, yeah, he's gonna stick with coordinating stuff if he can help it? Probably?)
he and phlp could work on traps?
Cerise ♢
/nods, would make sense!
Cerise ♢
Excuse this grump tho'.
SUCCESS!! We can in fact jury-rig power sources to run Tower subsystems from bits and lightcycles in the first wave, and ARC (and anyone who wants to help) can build generators to help in the second wave!
We will have powah!
Cerise ♢
Excellent! Go ARC~
I'm so glad he's managing to be useful. poor beebin.
ooh, that might be a good place for S3NT0 to help after he gets refactioned; I'm still trying to work out the timeline there (thinking)
He'd be very welcome! The more hands, the more generators, and the more systems they can keep powered!
Ooh, bits can be used to power stuff? Rappy can be useful, too! (...who is now a bit who probably just goes by the name P.)
(Rappy is not very impressed with this.)
Yeah! Basically we need ~ 6 lightcycles to power one subsystem. And 4 bits count as 1 lightcycle.
ARC has 3 bits with him at all times, so Rappy could absolutely round that out!
Cerise ♢
Poor PY-0, too...
C'mere, PY-0, it's okay, you can help too, bb.
Cerise ♢
/vague 'no?' cheep
He doesn't have to!
Cerise ♢
XD Bitbirb is all confused, probably wants to help somehow tho'.
If he'd rather be a fetch-and-carry bit, he could help bring data and tools and supplies over to the crafters!
Cerise ♢
Hehe. Will have to work on it.
Cerise ♢
/pats non pointy ... bits of bit