capra hircus
capra hircus
Here's mine:
capra hircus
Leon is 5'9", Noodle is 5'2" as a human and 4'7" as a goblin (which was waaay shorter than she was in Phase Two), Kaito is roughly 6'0", and I (included myself just because) am about 5'5"!
capra hircus
(Then again, Lee does wear platform shoes, so maybe I oughta shave off an inch or two. He's taller than me, at any rate!)
Devil's Tr◬in
Kaito is tol
aw, Noodle
Noodle is so tiny
I thought she started out about 4'10''
But then I know very, very little about Gorillaz, I just saw her and thought "she looks really tiny"
capra hircus
She was 4'10" in Phase Two, when she was 13-15!
capra hircus
And earlier, in Phase 1, she was 8-11 and 3'2"!
capra hircus
She's about 21 where I'm pulling her from, and here in the present, she's 27!
capra hircus
Devil's Tr◬in Yes, Kaito is very tol. He stretches up towards the heavens!
Devil's Tr◬in
imagines Kokichi trying to use him as a ladder