capra hircus
Character heights!

capra hircus
Here's mine:

capra hircus
Leon is 5'9", Noodle is 5'2" as a human and 4'7" as a goblin (which was waaay shorter than she was in Phase Two), Kaito is roughly 6'0", and I (included myself just because) am about 5'5"!

capra hircus
(Then again, Lee does wear platform shoes, so maybe I oughta shave off an inch or two. He's taller than me, at any rate!)

It Nyanka
Kaito is tol

aw, Noodle

me lobster
Noodle is so tiny

I thought she started out about 4'10''

But then I know very, very little about Gorillaz, I just saw her and thought "she looks really tiny"

capra hircus
She was 4'10" in Phase Two, when she was 13-15!

capra hircus
And earlier, in Phase 1, she was 8-11 and 3'2"!

capra hircus
She's about 21 where I'm pulling her from, and here in the present, she's 27!

capra hircus
It Nyanka
Yes, Kaito is very tol. He stretches up towards the heavens!

It Nyanka
imagines Kokichi trying to use him as a ladder