forever rain
Canon points?
forever rain
Well for Lucky I pulled him into Genessia shortly after he was crowned king of his home planet (which is one of the reasons he doesn't like talking about it, he was still wrapping his mind around it at the time, the other being he doesn't really think it matters while he's there)
forever rain
then once the finale aired I canon updated him to literally t wo days after that
forever rain
then I think once Kyuranger vs Space Squad comes out, I'll likely canon update him to that
forever rain
but that's not gonna be till August or September, depending on when it gets subbed
forever rain
as for Tsurugi, I originally pulled him into Thistlegreen Manor just after episode 30 because that's all his wiki page had at the time, but now I've canon updated him to episode 46 via getting back the memory of Don Armage possessing him
forever rain
I'm gonna be nice to him the next few checkins, have him remember some of his teammates, maybe get his sword and shield back, not sure yet
forever rain
but he's definitely not getting his kyutama back until the October checkin since that's when his birthday is XD