Vin 5: At this point in canon it's probably her flower drawing. In her lifetime Scadrial does not have flowers growing anywhere and that picture is the first time she'd ever actually seen what one looks like. It's also a memento of her mentor in Allomancy having been passed to her after his death after having been passed to him by his late wife who was
murdered in a prison. It's an inspiration to her one some level as it's also a reminder of the promise Kelsier made to make a world where flowers could grow again.
Special mention goes to her earring which she also doesn't have cause I'm a dope and forgot to put it in her starting inventory. It's the only thing she has of her mother and her older sister since her ear was pierced with it just before she and Reen were forced to flee from said mother who had just gone mad and tried to kill them. Through no fault of her
No, I dunno. If I'm discounting memory I don't think he's really had much time to really get attached to stuff. At least nothing I can say he's actually lost besides the pile of destroyed weapons left behind him.
9: I could see Link doing either one of two things when he's upset. Either retreating for awhile out into the wilderness and just dropping off the radar if he just needs some time to get his head together. Or if he's angry just going HAM on training for awhile.
I mean, just standing there with this grim expression just smashing the hell out of a training dummy or whatever is available. Catching his breath for a minute and then sweeping up the trashed and ruined remains of whatever he was venting on and immediately setting up another one and just.. doing that. For hours on end without pausing for a real break.
Like his whole thing is that he really doesn't ever express his own troubles or hardships so his way of dealing with stuff would probably be to just withdraw. Just seek out some solitude for awhile and use the chance to sort through whatever's bothering him in his own pace.
Oh wait. Duh. COOKING. Totally skipped my mind but that's another way to just kinda wind down. Throwing stuff together and seeing what comes up when it's done.
Link: 6 (bESIDES MEMORY), 9
6: Drillshaft. That thing was great for smashing gemstones out of rocks and then it broke and he never found another one ever again