Because I'm in a place where I'm mashing reload on my reading page all desperate for something to tag and it's probably healthier to headcanon something
aliens weren't people until his friend was unveiled as one, and then he was like "I WILL DIE FOR THEIR RIGHTS TO BE PEOPLE" except for the part where he fucked off and took a vacation midway through
I think he wants to believe that all people are equal? There's not much of a race/gender issue at play, at least. But he's also acutely aware of actions changing the way people ought to be treated. So everyone STARTS on the same level field, but people can dig themselves a hole and lose their personhood
I was looking for early-stage clues that she'd be full Team Fitz, and I think that's when SHE learned to love HIM (as much as love could be a thing from her end)
but he might have just been doing that single-focus thing where he was like "what happened was scientifically impossible and I will not sleep until I disprove this thesis" thing
when jemma goes missing, fitz takes like seven months ignoring every work responsibility he has because he legitimately shuts down and can't function without her
It gets complicated after the ocean incident, because then he's forced into a position where all his intelligence is held behind a barrier and people think he doesn't have it anymore
and so that need to prove himself is filtered differently. He wants to be a good boyfriend for Jemma so he'll fetch elaborate tea setups or leave flowers at her desk sometimes
Fitz thinks it's up to the consent of the other person. If they want to go, they should have the chance to go gracefully. Death is just energy returning to the world and finding a new way to exist. Nothing can ever be erased, just changed.
Of course it's not right
"I'm not strong enough to live in a world that doesn't have you in it."
okay this needs canon and eway answers because they're slightly different
Marrying Jemma Simmons