I'm around halfway through the episode, and FUCK man. The way everyone's getting akumatized, and even if they're all angry with Chloe, they'll still protect her. Fingers crossed we see something come of this
and it was super sweet that she was kinda tsundere (or I guess himedere?) in giving Ms. Bustier a belated gift that might be why she's really starting to endear to me
another thing though, the look of pure admiration Adrien had when he saw and heard about Marinette's present. Am I weird in thinking that, had he not met Ladybug initially, he would've crushed hardcore on Marinette from the get-go (after the umbrella scene anyway)
though how would she react if she knew that was Adrien lmfaoI would guess happy since she clearly has a crush on him.more than likelyand it was super sweet that she was kinda tsundere (or I guess himedere?) in giving Ms. Bustier a belated gift that might be why she's really starting to endear to mewhy can I also picture him loving dating sims and huge epic RPGs as wellFff I was about to say he totally would be into that.JRPGs especially.probably learned Japanese when he got the chance so he could import some of them, both JRPGs and the less smutty dating sims