tsuchinoko real
Does anyone want a toy laser gun
tsuchinoko real
Hinawa's not going to know what to do with it
tsuchinoko real
and her only experience with firearms of any kind was way back when the carnival went up against agents in the Matrix so hahahaha
Mouldy Apple
Mari will take it
tsuchinoko real
p l e a s e
tsuchinoko real
it goes 'pew pew' when you shoot it
Mouldy Apple
She'll think that's the GREATEST
Mouldy Apple
If Hinawa wants Mari's nsfw audiobook, she can have it! Trade?
tsuchinoko real
lmao oh my god
tsuchinoko real
she won't know what to do with that either but sure!
Mouldy Apple
Mouldy Apple
She can just keep trading prizes until she gets something she does know what to do with?
tsuchinoko real
the world's worst gift exchange
Mouldy Apple
Maybe 9S will trade you for his Jefferson Starship
tsuchinoko real
I added another option to her toplevel for pawning off the gun!