Was going through YHL's journal and found this post on revising your novel, which has a (very pretty!) chart of which characters' POVs are in which chapter.
*HI BREZAN plz tell us all about how you've been~~~ *ooh finally Inesser ooooooh *WHERE'S KHIRUEV *""Hemiola" is a servitor who wanted to name itself after a music theory term rather than a math term, don't judge haha." EEEEEEE~
but I'm looking forward to the POV, the new characters to destroy my life and also to see if Brezan has managed to pick up more spite over the last almost decade
OH OH another thing I found was a mention that unlike Mikodez, Zehun is a crocheter, and YHL said they probably have flame wars about knitting vs crocheting.
also, perhaps Brezan has mellowed because he realizes that he's not the POV character who is most fucked with, from a brief over view (my sympathies to bb!Jedao)
The hexarchate happened to Mikodez and Khiruev, Kujen happened to Jedao, Jedao happened to Cheris, Cheris happened to Khiruev's swarm because formation instinct, but Brezan was... basically fine? his family was fine? he had an okay Kel career?
I hope he's not too. For one thing he's one of my favorite worst people and also, practically, Shuos help is...helpful (despite being Shuos). and, yeah, Brezan has a terrible no good day because he has better ones to compare it to
He could have stuck with what he knew and followed orders, even though he was a crashhawk. He wanted so badly to serve. But he had a choice and he chose to bring it all down.
There's apparently a one-character after-RG fic planned (character is a spoiler) and YHL titled the post he mentioned it in with "MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA".
All the other RG stuff I've gleaned so far: there's a new alt character, Commander Kel Talaw, whose name looks weird in the high language; also a Major Kel Dhanneth; and the revealed cover features the Fortress of Pearled Hopes and young!Jedao's command moth, which he named Revenant.
Finished Nirai Esfarel's article. (CW for heptarchate awfulness, of course.) I have a feeling we're going to learn a lot of horrible stuff about Kujen and Esfarel in RG.
....UH OH * The calendrical reset allowed individuals to decide which exotic effects and faction abilities apply to them * General Inesser was not called back to retake the Fortress of Scattered Needles because she was already too popular with her troops and Kel Command was nervous * Who do we know who won't shut up about being on Inesser's staff?
Inesser might or might not choose to acknowledge Brezan's authority, but I bet Miuzan will totally choose to stay formation-loyal to Inesser. Probably among others, since Inesser is so respected among the Kel.
*ooh finally Inesser ooooooh
"Hemiola" is a servitor who wanted to name itself after a music theory term rather than a math term, don't judge haha.
" EEEEEEE~You're half-right--it is Kujen's Jedao, but he's not a clone.
" ??????* The calendrical reset allowed individuals to decide which exotic effects and faction abilities apply to them
* General Inesser was not called back to retake the Fortress of Scattered Needles because she was already too popular with her troops and Kel Command was nervous
* Who do we know who won't shut up about being on Inesser's staff?